Parting Glass

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A/N: There will be some time jumps happening soon. Not in this chapter, but maybe the next few. The reason for this is because I don't want to spend too long in the grieving process for Charlotte. So, if it seems like she's moving fast, I apologize in advance. It's just really triggering for me to write about and probably triggering for some readers as well. Also, this story took quite a turn that I did not originally plan. so I wasn't prepared to write about the grieving process. There will be some though. Cedric isn't just going to be forgotten about.

Of all the comrades that e'er I had,

They're sorry for my going away.

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had,

They would wish me one more day to stay.

-The next day-

"Charlotte..." Cedric's mother's voice cracked when she saw me. She gave me a sympathetic look and held out her arms so we could embrace each other.

Amos was crying on a bench in the hall, and Mrs Diggory's eyes were red when we pulled apart. She seemed to no longer have any strength to produce more tears. I tried to hold myself together to be strong for them.

"Please come by anytime. We'd really love that," Mrs Diggory spoke through sniffles as she held my hands, "Our son... he loves you very much, and... you're like a daughter to us."

"Of course," I snivelled at her words and tried to hold back my own tears, "I love Cedric very much too. I always will."

"We know..." Amos blubbed with tears still running down his cheeks, "That's why we wanted you to have a few of his things."

He lifted himself from the bench and picked up a wooden box that had been next to him.

My eyes widened as I shook my hands and head in protest, "Oh, I couldn't. You're his parents. You should keep-"

"We insist," Amos interjected.

"We know Cedric would want you to have these," Mrs Diggory added.

Mr Diggory handed me the box carefully. I opened it to find that inside were a few of Cedric's favourite knick-knacks, his quidditch gloves, his Hufflepuff scarf and one of his house ties, and a couple of the many snitches he caught in winning games. His name was engraved into them from their flesh memories, and I couldn't help but think about how he would never get to touch them again.

The snitches reminded me of his determination and resilience, and the extra prefect badge I found inside reminded me of his hard work, dedication, and fairness.

Finally, I saw the framed photo of our kiss at the bottom of the box. Watching it forever replay that moment caused my tears to sting at the brims on my eyes, and I could no longer keep myself from becoming undone. I closed the box quickly so the droplets wouldn't fall on his things. My shoulders shook, as ever weep tugged painfully at the very centre of my heart.

"Oh, Sweetie," Cedric's mum pulled me into another hug and rubbed my back.

I tried to communicate to her through my sobs and quivering chin, "I'm's just..."

"We know," Mrs Diggory whispered as she pulled away and held my shoulders, "You don't have to explain."

"There's one more thing," Amos reached into his cloak, "This was found in Cedric's pocket the night he..." his chest rose, unable to finish the sentence as he unfolded the paper and handed it to me.

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