The Mess I Made

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I'm staring at the mess I made.

As you turn, you take your heart and walk away.

Charlotte's P.O.V.

Sitting on the couch, I pulled my legs under myself while trying to get warmth from the common room fireplace. One of my elbows was on the arm of the couch, and my cheek was resting in my palm.

Angelina was sitting on the other end, and George was sitting on the floor with his legs bent and arms resting on his knees. His head was laid on her knee as she played with his hair.

"So are you two still, like, not dating yet?" I lifted my head from my hand and waited for a response, "Ow!" My voice was muffled by the pillow that George threw at me.

"Will you knock it off already? Trust me, If that ever happens, you'll be the first person to know," He said.

I held my hand to my chest, "Awe, really?"

"Of course. You're my best friend," Angelina smiled affectionately at me, "I tell you everything."

"Same here," George reached over and gave my knee a pat.

"You guys," I cooed, "You're gonna make me cry."

"It's not their fault you're a baby," Fred teased as he came through the portrait door and sat his bag on the nearest table. He was right, though. I've always been a sensitive person. Movies, songs, commercials, all that could make me cry. Whether I felt sadness, happiness, anger, or pure frustration, my eyes often formed tears. It's rather infuriating that that's just how my body chooses to dispose of my emotions.

"Hey, Freddie," I smiled and scooted over on the couch to make room for him.

"What are you guys up to?" He asked as he took a seat next to me.

"The usual. George and Angie being all over each other-"

"And still not confessing their undying love for each other?" Fred finished my sentence for me.

"Will you two shut up?" George groaned, "Why do you two have to make everything awkward."

Fred and I were trying to stifle our laughter at George starting to get so worked up.

"Seriously! You two really are the ones to talk," Angelina accused.

"It's different with you two. Charlotte and I are just friends," Fred looked at them as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and clasp his hands together.

I felt a tug at my heart and looked down.

What was wrong with me? It's true. We are just friends. People often thought Fred and I were together, but that's just because we were so close. Our friendship has always been on a deeper level than most. That must be why so many people don't understand it or mistake it for something it's not.

Shivering slightly, I crossed my arms and started rubbing them.

I didn't even notice Fred was looking at me until he lightly knocked his knee against mine, "You okay, Lettie?"

"Hmm," I snapped out of my trance, "Oh yeah. Just cold," I answered absent-mindedly, still rubbing my arms.

"Oh, you're cold?" Fred looked around before reaching over the arm of the couch and grabbing something that was nearby, "Here you go!" He threw a blanket at my face.

I laughed and took longer than I should have to unwrap the woolly fabric from around my face, "What is with you Weasleys and throwing things at me?"

Fred chuckled, "You're right. I'm sorry."

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