The Party Pt. 1

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You don't have to say you love me

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You don't have to say you love me.

You don't have to say nothing.

You don't have to say you're mine.

"Lumos," I whispered while standing in the poorly lit portrait whole.

With the tip of my wand illuminated, I pointed it at the map, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," After checking if teachers were patrolling the halls, I quietly stepped out from behind the portrait.

Getting only halfway down the first hall, I paused to remove my boots that were making insufferably loud clicking noises. How am I supposed to be stealthy with these things on? I really should have thought this outfit through. I guess if Sirius Black wanted to sneak up on me, I could hit him with my shoe. Yeah, I'll just throw them at him and run. Bet that would really surprise him.

Looking back at the map, I snuck through the empty corridors, ensuring no one was coming from around the corners before tip-toeing into a new one. Pretty soon, there was a dot with the name 'Cedric Diggory' under it just right inside the kitchen. The nerves in my stomach tightened as my dot on the page glided closer to his. I stopped just outside the portrait of the fruit bowl and pointed my wand back to the map before whispering, "Mischief Managed."

When the parchment cleared, I rushed to carefully put it into my bag along with my shoes. As easy as it would be to use the map the rest of the way, I wasn't about to expose its secrets to anyone else other than Fred and George and whoever they choose to share it with.

I had just finished closing my bag when the sound of the portrait door opening creaked down the hall. Cedric was carrying a basket and a folded blanket in the crook of his elbow as he watched his feet while climbing through the door, being careful not to trip. When his eyes lifted and landed on me, my appearance made him stop in his tracks, "Wow..." He gaped with a smile and glistening eyes, "You look amazing."

I felt myself blush but played it off by winking at him, "You don't look so bad yourself, Diggory." Which was true. The light flickering for the sconces danced across his fair skin. His hair was styled to feather back in his usual effortless waves, but his bangs still fell over his forehead. His sweater was fitting and loose in all the right places, with just the collar of his shirt peeking out underneath. The jacket over it all fit him immaculately.

It could have been the poor lighting, but I could've sworn Cedric was turning red now as we checked each other out. He took in the sight of me one more time before clearing his throat, "You ready to go?" He asked, sounding kind of nervous.

"I'm ready when you are."

We only made it one step before he suddenly stopped again, "Wait, Where are your shoes?"

"Oh. I put them in my bag. They were making too much noise."

"You put them...," His brows lifted inquisitively, looking at me through his sandy colored lashes as he pointed to my bag, "in that small thing?"

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