Post War

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But you know that I'm looking for more than a pretty smile,

And if I'm lucky you can stay for awhile,

But if you stay or if you go, I'm just hanging on again.

Months have passed, and now I'm spending another day staring at my reflection in the mirror. This time for multiple reasons. One reason being that I just finished getting ready for George and Angie's rehearsal dinner.

It turns out they meant it when they said they would have an actual ceremony after the war, not that I didn't believe them. Angelina always has a glamorous and classy flair and somehow manages to find that perfect mixture between them. Watching her put this ceremony together has been so much fun, and I always got super excited when she asked me for my opinions.

The other reason I was examining my reflection was that I liked to survey my ever-growing stomach. Okay, maybe it wasn't ever-growing, but the visual process of growing another human starts out pretty slow. The gradual details were always almost unnoticeable.

But as I pressed my dress against my tummy and turned the side to inspect it, I felt this tingling sensation fill my heart and travel through my veins. This is the first day I can actually see the baby bump. My stomach did get bigger during my first trimester, but it was because I started consuming more food. Now, I'm standing here a little over 5 months along. Twenty weeks and two days, to be exact.

"Mum sent another package," Fred informed me, distracted with rolling up the sleeve of his white button-up shirt when he first walked in, but when his eyes landed on me examining my new bump, they lit up with joy.

"Woah..." He breathed with a smile tugging at the edges of his lips

I giggled and blushed as I smiled at his reflection in the mirror, "This is crazy, right?"

"It's beautiful," He set down the package he was carrying under his arm, still ogling my stomach as he gingerly placed his hand on it. Fred kissed my cheek before tucking his lips into the nape of my neck and whispering, "You're actually showing now."

The crimson hue on my cheeks deepened, and his breath brushed against my skin and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It's surprising how he still had this effect on me even after all these years together.

"Oh, Godic," I tittered as he lowered himself to speak to my stomach again. He does this every day, and I still haven't figured out why it made me bashful every single time, but I don't protest anymore. It really is quite endearing how stubborn he is about this.

"Hello, Little One," He leaned over and spoke softly to my now present bump, referring to it by the nickname he gave it the day we found out about the baby, "You're getting so big. We love you and can't wait to meet you."

Fred tilted his head back to look up at me, "Can he hear me yet?"

Feeling all giddy, I gently used my fingertips to push his falling bangs out of his face, "Not just yet, but soon. And what makes you think it's going to be a he?"

The corner of his mouth curled up as he answered, "I just know these things. In fact, I'm so sure of it that I'll wage a galleon. What do you say?"

Another giggle escaped my lips, "I'm not betting on our baby's gender, Fred."

"Why not? It's just a fun little game!"

"Because I, too, think it's a boy."

The smirk on Fred's face grew bigger, feeling like he won the nonexistent wager. He placed one more kiss on my tummy before telling it, "See you soon."

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now