Saying Goodbye Pt. 1

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Quick A/N: It's been awhile since I posted so I just wanted to remind y'all that there is a time jump and it's months later in the story. I don't want Charlotte to move on from Cedric too quickly, but I didn't want to stay in Charlotte's grief and be triggering to any of my readers or myself. So I'll fill in some gaps of the past few months with this chapter. But don't worry, Cedric won't be forgotten about as the story goes on. He's much too important to Charlotte for that. He will be discussed quite as Charlotte moves through her grief.


I stay up all night, tell myself I'm alright

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

I put the record on, wait 'til I hear our song

Every night, I'm dancing with your ghost

""Do you think we've gone far enough?" I tittered as Cedric led me through the tall grass outside his house.

Once we reached a large tree in the middle of a small patch of freshly cut grass, Cedric stopped. He turned his head and squinted his eyes toward his house. His chest rose with a heavy breath as the soft breeze brushed through his hair, "Yeah. There's no way they can see us now."

"Are you sure?" I looked up at him

Cedric cheekily smiled down at me, "Positive. I got away with so many things over here."

My brow arched, "Like what?"

A smirk spread across his face, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Absolutely," I answered and crossed my arms in a mock scold, "That's why I asked."

He shook his head and chuckled at my theatrics, "Don't worry, Love. Nothing scandalous in the slightest. Just some stupid stuff with some friends," His cheeky smile never disappeared as he continued to look down at me, "So this will be a first."

"What will be a-" But before I could finish my question, Cedric answered me by pressing his lips firmly against mine as his hand slid to cup my cheek, his touch just as gentle as it had always been.

His hands went to my waist as the flow of our lips synced up. Mine to his arms. I gasped into the kiss as his grip tightened and lifted me to sit comfortably in the tree. My hands clasped onto his shoulders for support and balance as he deepened the kiss.

"Don't worry," He whispered between kisses, "I got you."

Godric, he knew what he was doing. His words never failed to effortlessly send my heartbeat into a marathon race. I bet he would feel the palpitations underneath my chest if he pressed his just a tiny bit closer.

After a few moments, we finally pulled away to catch our breath, but our faces remained just centimetres apart.

From this tree branch, I was just about the same height as Cedric but a tad taller. My heart swelled underneath my bosom as I smiled down at him, "Cedric Diggory, Now that you've come into my life, I never want to go back to one without you."

His eyes flickered with endearment and warmth as he grinned back up at me. He tucked my hair behind my ear and breathed softly, "And you'll never have to."

As he leaned in to kiss me again, I felt tears running down my face.

Why was I crying? This was the happiest moment of my life, and yet sorrow ached in the very pit of my heart. It didn't make any sense, but the tears kept falling.

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