Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 1

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Before I die,

I'd like to do something nice.

Take my hand and I'll take you for a ride.

"What's that you got there?" Ginny asked, nodding towards the camera in my hands as she and Hermione met me in the hallway.

"That's a Polaroid camera!" Hermione answered for me with delight, "My parents owned one when I was younger! I have a whole shoebox full of old photos!"

I felt a grin cut into my cheeks at Hermione's excitement

"Would you like to take some photos?" I asked while removing the camera strap from around my neck

Her face lit up at my offer as she held out her hands to accept the camera, "Oh, May I?"

"Of course. I did offer, after all," I smirked, placing it into her hands.

"But where to start?" She put a finger to her pointed chin, "Oh, I know! You and Ginny get together!"

"How does it work?" Ginny questioned with confusion as she got closer to me.

"Well, you just stand there and pose together like you would for magical photos, but muggle ones don't move, so you have to stay very still," Hermione explained with a single nod and large eyes to stress to Ginny how stationary she had to be. It was always nice having her, Harry, and Angie around to help explain muggle inventions to our more wizardy friends.

Ginny shrugged, "Sounds simple enough. What should we do first?"

"We can just smile?" I suggested, "Taking a normal one usually helps relieve some of that awkward tension that comes at the beginning of every photoshoot."

"Sounds good to me," she replied.

The three of us took a few photos together before it became an all-out photo session. Since it was Christmas, there were a lot of decorations to use as props. The pictures consisted of many things, but some were of Ginny pretending to charge into battle on a wooden-crafted reindeer, then Hermione kissed the cheek of a plastic Santa, and Ginny took a picture of Hermione and I acting like we were sneaking cookies from the cookie jar.

At some point, we decided to wake Ron and Harry by blinding them with the camera's flash. They had been sleeping in all morning, and it was about time they got up.

"Bloody hell, Mione!" Ron's voice cracked as he blinked profusely to remove the glare from his vision, "What'd you do that for?"

Rubbing his eyes before putting on his glasses, Harry groggily sat up in the bed with a raspy voice, "What's going on?"

Hermione, Ginny, and I dissolved into laughter at their reaction to being woken up in such a manner.

"I'm sorry," Hermione giggled as the cackles died down, "We just couldn't help ourselves."

"Yeah, you two looked so cute all cuddled up together," I cooed, teasing them, "We just had to take a picture to document it."

Ron looked affronted as he blurted out, "We were not cuddling!"

"Fine. Don't believe her," Ginny said bluntly with a grin as she pulled the Polaroid film out of the end of the camera, "You'll see when the photo develops."

"Why couldn't you guys bother Fred and George?" He groaned.

"George is still at Angelina's. He doesn't get back for a few more hours."

"Yeah," I watched over Ginny's shoulder as the black square slowly started to fade to colour, "and Fred went with your mum to pick up your dad from St. Mungo's."

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