Grand Opening

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Oh, simple thing 

Where have you gone?

"Step up! Step up!" The twins shouted from a staircase as fireworks danced around the large shop full of kids and teenagers.

It was their grand opening for the shop, and laughter could be heard all over the building as the crowd tested out different merchandise Fred and George created. Products zoomed and flew through the air, and the room was filled with all sorts of vibrant colours.

Ron was across the room asking Angelina about a prank he held in his hand. Ginny and I were in the WonderWitch section with Hermione as we played with the most adorable purple and pink Pygmy Puffs, a miniature Puffskein that Fred and George had been breeding and caring for all summer. I watched the boys in amazement from where I stood as the Pygmy Puff walked around from one of my hands to the other, then back again.

The twins took turns announcing in jubilant shouts to the bustling crowd of customers below and above them, "We've got Fainting Fancies,"

"Nosebleed Nougut!"

They both dodged a pair of Fanged Frisbees that glided by their heads, "And just in time for school,"

"Puking Pastilles!"

Giggling proudly, I petted the pink Pygmy Puff in my hand. It was always such a joy to see the boys in their element.

"These little guys are so cute!" Ginny cooed as she tickled a Pygmy Puff in the colour purple.

"I know, right?" I held one delicately between my hands as he nuzzled his soft fur into my skin, "They're my absolute favourite!"

"Mine too!" She beamed, "I'm definitely getting me one."

After looking back at Fred and George, I noticed them appear on each side of a young boy just as he was about to puke after eating one of their sweet treats.

"Into the cauldron, handsome," They told him in unison and held out a cauldron in front of him.

"Into the cauldron, handsome," They told him in unison and held out a cauldron in front of him

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"I will have order!" rang the tiny puppet of Dolores Umbridge above our heads. It balanced across a rope with scales on its shoulders as it repeated her most infamous line.

My eyes followed as Fred and George accompanied Harry to the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Along the way, I caught a glimpse of a girl's hair standing up after her hand was buzzed and a young boy using a unique experiment to walk up the wall.

Turning back, I placed the Pygmy Puff back in its respective spot in their pin and followed Hermione and Ginny.

Hermione read the instructions of the Patented Daydream Charm in her hand, which allowed the user to slip into a vivid scene of their choosing for thirty minutes, "You know, that really is extraordinary magic!" She commented just in time for the twins to hear.

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