Untold Stories Pt. 1

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Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe,

I guess that is our combination.


You make the whole room feel slow motion.

You make me feel like I'm drowning in a potion.

"31...32...33," My voice trailed off as I counted the number of products in the stock room. While scribbling down the total for each product, I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist from behind before their lips connected with the crook of my neck.

"Fred," I giggled as he found my tickle spot before tilting my head to block it from him, "I'm counting."

"Is that hard for you to do or something?" He teased and shifted to places kisses on the other side of my neck.

I bit my lip to hold back my moan, "It is when you're trying to distract me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

As he nibbled lightly, my eyes closed, and my lips parted slightly as I inhaled deeply. I almost got lost in the sensation before returning to reality. I swatted him lightly on the head with the clipboard, "Do you need this stuff counted or not, Weasley?"

Fred's face scrunched up when the clipboard connected with it, "Sorry," he chuckled and rested his chin on my shoulder, "How much do you have left to count?"

While still clung to me, his eyes cast downward to the paper as I counted another product silently.

"Just the Edible Dark Marks and the Canary Creams," I pointed and assigned a number to each individual packet of the creams before tittering to myself, "Remember that day back in 5th year when you and George first told me about your idea for these? You didn't even know what bird you wanted them to turn the eater into yet."

"Oh yeah," He chortled, "That was the same day I chased you up to the castle to give you a sweaty hug."

"I'm still mad at you for that, by the way."

"Uh-huh, sure. That's why you were checking me out after Quidditch practice."

My eyes perturbed slightly as I turned to him, "I was not!"

"Oh, but you were," A smirk was already plastered across his face as he ran his tongue behind his bottom lip and looked at me with a tantalizing gaze, "You were practically undressing me with your eyes. I noticed you doing it during the practice too."

Blushing, I broke eye contact by returning to the clipboard to write down a number while mumbling, "I can't believe you saw that."

Fred laughed before lifting my chin with his finger, "It's okay, Charlotte. I always checked you out back then too."

The crimson hue on my cheeks deepened as I looked into his brown eyes. Oh, how does this boy have so much power over me? He just had this talent for completely undoing me with just a few words and movements. I wanted to melt into his touch, but I tried to feign smugness by flipping my hair over my shoulder and went back to writing, "I know."

But, damn it, Fred Weasley got the best of me, like he always does. I lowered my quill and lifted my brow inquisitively at him, "But just out of curiosity, when did you check me out?"

Knowing he had me right where he wanted me, an amused look grew on his face, "Liiike," his eyes were filled with yearning as they raked over my body, "that first night you spent the night at my house after we came back from Egypt. You and Ginny stayed up all night in the living room. George and I searched for you the next morning and saw you had fallen asleep on the couch.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now