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I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallin' into your ocean eyes


Fred finally pulled his gaze from the book to look at me. That desire in his eyes told me exactly what he was thinking about.

Quickly, he set the journal on the nightstand before cupping my face with his hands and kissing me passionately.

Giggling a little, I asked through the kiss to tease him one last time, "What about the pictures?"

His voice was husky as he spoke against my lips, "Screw the pictures," without breaking the intensity of the kiss, he pushed me back on the bed.
Loving everything he was doing to me, I felt my core heat up as he settled between my legs.

Earlier, when he had gone to get my gift, he changed back into his pyjama pants and a fitted t-shirt. It always turned me on when he dressed like this for bed.

To let him know that I was comfortable with the step we were about to take, I lifted the hem of his shirt, feeling his chest muscles along the way.

Fred stood on his knees to take off his shirt, and I propped myself up on my elbows as my eyes ran over his body. His biceps and abs contracted and flexed as he pulled the shirt over his head.

He grabbed his wand and waved it quickly, using nonverbal magic to silence the room and lock the door. I loved when he did things like that. His intelligence and skill were just as sexy as his looks and charm.

I held his cheek as he leaned down to kiss me as fervently and passionately as before.

End of Recap:

Fred's hand started to trail underneath my shirt as his lips moved down to my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. His touch sent shivers down my spine, causing my chest to rise against his as I inhaled deeply. I felt him smirk against my skin, learning from his last visit that I did this when I started to become aroused.

"I can't believe I can do this to you with just one touch," He whispered, his breath becoming heavy as his erection grew inside his pants.

"And I can't believe I can do this," my hips lifted to grind against him, "without having to do anything at all."

The friction caused him to groan, "You've always had that power over me, Charlotte."

His admission, mixed with the mark he had just left on my neck as he bit down, intoxicated me, "Oh, Fred..."

When he pulled back, I whimpered at the loss of contact, but his hand caressed my cheek when he saw the disappointed look in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said breathlessly, "I just need to know that you're for sure comfortable with this before we go any further. So...are you?"

Nodding lightly, I sat up without breaking eye contact with him and pulled my shirt over my head, revealing my breasts.

I gave him one final kiss of permission before whispering against his lips, "I need you, Freddie."

Third Person P.O.V.

"Fuck..." He exhaled as he watched her; the concern in his eyes from earlier was replaced with lustful desire.

Fred hungrily reattached his lips to Charlotte's before lowering her back on the bed once more. The sheets felt cold against her bare back, contrasting with the heat on her stomach as his hand travelled up her body.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now