The Party Pt. 2

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I know you love her,

But it's over, Mate.

Fred's P.O.V.

The night was pretty awful for me.

First, I had to keep watch as Charlotte walked out of the common room, knowing fully well that she was on her way to meet Cedric for their date. She looked gorgeous as she left, and I couldn't help but get jealous of the nervous excitement that she displayed.

Once the coast was clear, I had to call for everyone to start setting up for the party. All night my mind was racing with thoughts of her and what she could be doing with Cedric, causing my heart to long to be the one taking her out tonight instead.

When they returned, seeing her jump closer to him for protection made me wish it was me that she was doing that to. I bet it felt nice to have an arm wrapped around her like Cedric did. Hell, I know it does. She used to let me hold her like that, but never as more than friends. We both had always considered it platonic flirting. At least, that's what I thought until tonight because lately, I've been wondering if it was more than that for me...or for her.

I suppressed my anger when he kissed her cheek and put on my best fake smile because she immediately looked for us after he walked away.

It felt like this night was taking forever as I endured countless moments of catching them whispering into each others' ears, staring into each others' eyes, seeing those goofy grins plastered on their faces, and their hands resting all over different parts of each others' bodies.

I knew I was staring at them, but I didn't care. I couldn't bring myself to look away. I watched with a frown as Cedric pulled her to the dance floor, feeling my envy grow strong. Why must I torture myself like this? Consumed by my own thought, I didn't even notice George and Angelina coming to my side after dancing.

"Y'know, you're glaring so hard that I thought I saw a small flame burn into the back of Cedric's head," George snickered

"Piss off," I spat at him.

He kept a playful tone as he raised his hands in defence, "Hey, don't be mad at me because it took you too long to realize you like her."

"George, can't you see now is not the time. He's clearly upset," Angelina interjected.

"I'm not upset," I responded curtly. My back was resting against the wall as I sipped my Firewhiskey. When I lowered the drink, my scowl returned to Cedric and Charlotte. With every move they made, it was as if my heart fell further into my stomach. I watched as Cedric twirled her around. Her hands lowered from the air before snaking around his shoulders. He held her close as they swayed and sang along to the music. He leaned forward to whisper something in her ear, and she smiled as he pulled back. I should have known from the look in her eyes what was about to happen next.

With that dazzling smile that I loved so much, she said something inaudible to me, and then it happened...He kissed her.

Angelina was the first to react, "I guess they really hit it off."

Furry bubbled inside me as I felt my teeth grind into each other. I couldn't watch it anymore. I threw my cup aside and stalked up the stairs with a clenched jaw. For the first time in a long time, I could feel tears burning and threatening to fall from my eyes.

I slammed the door to the dormitory behind me before stomping over to the wall and resting my forearm against it. As I lay my forehead on my arm, my face twisted to hold back the rising bile in my throat.

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have waited so long to sort out my feelings for Charlotte? How could I expect her to always be there waiting for me to figure it out? How could I have missed all the signals she gave me? How could she have missed all the signals I gave her?

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