The Chosen Champions

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Ain't ever felt this way.

Can't get enough so stay with me.


Mad cool in all my clothes.

Mad warm when you get close to me.

I was reading my Potions book on the couch in the common room when Fred and George came through the portrait laughing hysterically.

"Make another run to the kitchens?" I looked up from my book, but the answer was obvious since they had arms full of food and treats.

"We did," Fred answered and held out a bottle of pumpkin juice to me, "Knock yourself out."

"Thank you, Freddie," I smiled at him and took it from his hand. A grin flickered over his lips, but only briefly before he returned to his brother.

"Angie already go to bed?" George asked.

"Yeah. She tried staying up, but seeing as class starts in a few hours..." I trailed off.

"Sorry, we got caught up in the kitchens," Fred replied.

"More like Fred ran into Emily, and they wouldn't stop talking. So I wound up doing all the grocery shopping," George informed and rolled his eyes before shrugging, "I guess I'll have to catch Angie in the morning."

Fred cleared his throat as if he was guilty of something and refused to make eye contact with me, "I think I'm actually gonna try and get some sleep too. Night, guys."

"Night, Fred." George and I told him as he walked up the stairs.

When Fred was out of earshot, I looked at George and nodded in the direction Fred exited, "How's he doing?"

Fred and mine's friendship hasn't been the best lately. It was apparent we still cared for each other based on the few sweet gestures here and there, but for the most part, it has either been bickering with each other constantly or not talking to each other at all. It felt weird not having him around. His jokes and happy-go-lucky nature have always been one of my favourite parts of the day. Without him, it felt like a piece of me was missing. Most of my days were split between wanting to avoid him to skip the awkward fights and purposely planning my routes to 'accidentally' run into him in the halls to see if anything had changed. I wasn't sure which mood I would be in each day I woke up, so it felt like this internal struggle was constantly waging inside me.

"He's fine. He just has a lot on his mind," George sat next to me, "What about you? You aren't going to convince me you've been up the last few nights reading Potions for fun. You're starting to make even Hermione look bad," he chuckled

I sighed and looked at my lap, "I just can't sleep."

"Because of the champion selection tomorrow?" George stated as if reading my mind.

"Am I that transparent?" I giggled, trying to push away my nerves.

He chuckled but then shook his head, "No...I've been up most nights thinking about if Angelina gets chosen."

"But I thought you were excited about the tournament?" A wrinkle of confusion appeared between my eyebrows.

"I am, and if she is chosen, I know she'll kick arse, but I think it's only normal to worry about these things when you love someone," George lowered his gaze, looking as if he was pondering over what he just said. This must have been the first time he said he loved Angelina out loud, which probably shocked him momentarily. It was certainly the first time I heard him say it out loud.

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