Secret Places

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We were young

We were free

Fred's P.O.V.

Months had passed, and the end of the year was finally approaching, which meant so was the final task. Charlotte came back to the common room late after missing dinner again.

She said it was because she lost track of time while helping Cedric prepare for the third task, but I knew it was because her worries had amassed. Half the time I see her, she just sits there with a blank expression on her face, and it's never been like her to not contribute to the conversation. Even though she's there physically, it's like she's become a shell of a person, and I hate seeing her like this. Her laughter became scarce. Her eyes were always downcast to the floor or whatever lay before her on a desk or table. That liveliness she once possessed seemed to be diminishing with each passing day. So I decided to do the only thing I can to help her tonight. Knowing it's hard for her to eat when anxious, I snuck away from the group in the common room to get her some food from the kitchens.

I just made it to the picture of the painted fruit when the portrait swung open to reveal Cedric.

"Hey, Cedric," I nodded to him.

He grinned, "Hey, Freddrick."

"Ha, I get it," I chuckled, "Cedric and Freddrick. Funny."

"What are you doing down here after hours?"

"What? You're not gonna take points, are you? Don't I get special treatment for being your girl's best mate or something?" I jested.

Cedric gave a breathy chuckle as he shook his head, "You're safe. I'm not on patrol tonight."

"Then what are you doing down here?"

"Didn't I ask you first?" He raised his eyebrows.

I raised my hands slightly and continued to joke with him, "No need to get all defensive, Diggory. I just noticed that Lettie missed dinner again, so I just snuck down here to-"

"To get her some food?" Cedric finished my sentence, and, after a moment's pause, I nodded in response slowly.

"Yeah," He pulled his lips into a thin line and lifted a plate wrapped in aluminium, "Me too."

"Hmph," I lowed my hands and stuffed them into my pockets. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "Pumpkin Pasties?"

Cedric and I have been on better terms since I made up Charlotte, but sometimes I still feel uncertainty lingering between us. It wasn't any anger or jealousy, but it was...something. My stomach tightened as one of the only possible reasons popped into my mind again. But that couldn't be it...could it?

He nodded, "Her favourite. I know it's not exactly dinner, but I figured it's something she wouldn't be able to turn down."

"You're a good guy, Cedric," I assured him, "You always do what you can to take care of her."

"So do you..." Cedric trailed off momentarily, "Which is why I'm glad I ran into you. I've been wanting to talk to you."

"About what?"

Cedric's eyes were nervous as he inhaled deeply, too scared to talk. When finally he spoke again, it was with a cracked voice and rushed wording, "Charlotte's not wrong to worry so much. We all know something dodgy is going on with this tournament. Honestly, I should have never put my name in the Goblet, b-but I didn't think it'd turn out like this. Had I known-"

"What are you saying, Ced?" I looked at him with concern, trying to stop his nervous tangent before it really took flight.

Cedric took another deep breath as he lowered his gaze to the floor, "Promise me that..." Swallowing hard, his eyes started to gloss over, "Promise me that if something happens to me in the last task, you will get her out of there and continue to look out for her?"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now