Hogsmeade & Honeydukes

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I knew from the first time, 

I'd stay for a long time cause,

I like me better when I'm with you.

"Charlotte," I heard someone say softly in the distance. I paid them little attention. Allowing myself to feel like I'm floating in the darkness around me. Sometimes I wonder if this is what space feels like; weightless, peaceful, dark, and stars and surrounding colours are the hints of life and dreams.

"Charlotteeee," The voice sang out, sounding closer. I can feel myself stirring while a light force shakes my body.



At first, I thought I had experienced this before: Being asleep and falling just to be woken up right before the impact, except this time, I felt the pain of my body slamming against the solid surface.

"Owww," I groaned and turned over onto my back, feeling the cold, hard wooden floor underneath. I lifted myself into a sitting position, feeling the weight of my body again and what felt like the weight of the rest of the world.

Rubbing my head where it connected with the floor, I tried to make sense of the figure in front of me through squinted eyes and blinding light, "What was that for?"

There was a familiar giggle of another best friend of mine, Angelina. She bent over to my eye level, "Next time, wake up the first time I call you," Angelina grinned before offering her hand to help me up.

As she pulled me to my feet, I dusted myself off, "And you push me off the bed for what?" I hissed, still dazed and stretching out my arms with a yawned.

"Whew, Firstly to send you to the bathroom to brush those teeth," She waved her hand in front of her face, "And because every time I wake you up gently, you just go right back to sleep and forget it ever happened. Then you try to accuse me of not waking you up in the first place. When I remind you that I did, you say it's because I didn't wake you up 'enough'," Angelina used air quotes around the word, causing me to recollect all of the times we've experienced this problem. It was probably too many to count on all four of our hands combined.

"Fair point," I shrugged nonchalantly before trying to get back into bed.

"Oh, no, you don't," She pulled me back up, "We promised Fred and George we'd meet them at Hogsmeade."

"Oh right," I looked around the room, my head feeling much heavier with a sense of grogginess. Whenever I feel like this in the morning, I usually forget where everything is. While still foggy, I drug my feet along the floor and lazily shifted through my trunk for clothes and before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

Maybe all I need is a good shower.

"I'll meet you downstairs!" Angelina informed me.

"Okay!" I said over my shoulder, closing the door behind me without looking back at her.


I made my way down the dormitory stairs, still not fully awake and my feet feeling extra heavy.

"Oh, wake up, will you? You're about to go and see Fred," She beamed, nudging my arm with her elbow before we started making our way out of the common room.

"Why should I wake up for him?" I asked sarcastically, knowing fully well that seeing Fred and George was probably the only reason Angelina could get me out of bed in the first place.

"Oh please," she rolled her eyes, "You're so full of it."

The corner of my mouth corked up as my eyes cut towards Angelina, "Not all of us are in love with a Weasley."

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