Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 2

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I've loved you three summers now, honey,

but I want 'em all.


Can we always be this close?

"Georgie!" I ran to hug him as soon as he came through the door, "I've missed you so much."

He chuckled as he hugged me back, "I've missed you too, Lettie. Feels like forever since I've seen you."

"I know, right?" Pulling away from him, I beamed, "How's Angie doing?"

I haven't seen Angelina since the summer, nor have I seen George since his dad's attack, and boy, how I've missed them both like crazy. Fred may be my best friend and boyfriend, but George and I have always had a strong, sibling-like bond. If there was ever anything I didn't want Fred to know about, then George definitely knew about it. However, that didn't happen nearly as often now that my relationship status with Fred has changed.

"Angie's great! She wanted me to tell you she's sorry for being unable to write, but she really misses you and can't wait to see you this summer."

"When you see her again, tell her I'm looking forward to it too. How's is she enjoying being Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team?"

"She's actually really stressed out about it. Everything in the universe has been working against her. So, she's been getting all the back rubs," He chuckled, "Don't get me wrong, she likes being Captain, and no offence to Ron and Ginny, but the team is kind of horrid this year. Especially now that Fred, Harry, and I have been banned permanently."

I pulled my lips back, sucking through my teeth, "Yeahhhh, Fred told me about that. I'm sorry that happened, but I still can't believe you and Harry attacked Malfoy! That's mental! It must have felt delicious to sock him in that trap of his."

"Oh, it did! It actually made getting kicked off the team almost worth it."

"Hey, I tried to beat his arse too," Fred chimed in as he walked into the room, "and I would have been able to too if I hadn't been held back!"

I giggled a little, "Yes. We know, Freddie. I'm sure you looked incredibly sexy, all angry and defensive like that."

Once I said it, I couldn't help but picture it. Images of a crossed Fred huffing his chest as his bangs clung to his forehead after an intense game danced around in my mind. Merlin, it must have been insanely attractive. I always liked it when Fred got a little angry.

"Damn right, I did." He smirked with a single adamant nod before turning back to George. They grinned in that charming brotherly way before greeting each other with a tight hug and a few pats on the back.

"How's it going, mate?" George asked as he and Fred pulled away.

"Good. Mum says dinner is ready. So, we should probably head in there," Fred answered, pointing towards the kitchen.


We all gathered around the table and watched a small figurine of Santa fly around on his tiny broomstick. As he zipped past our heads, he waved and repeated, "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!"

The only people not at the table were Harry, Sirius, and Mr and Mrs Weasley. No one else but Fred had seen Mr Weasley today, and I knew that the rest of the Weasley children were eagerly but patiently awaiting their father's arrival to dinner.

Pretty soon, Mrs Weasley's jolly voice echoed in the kitchen.

"Here we go!" She rolled Mr Weasley to the table with the biggest grin as they both dodged the flying Santa, "Daddy's back."

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