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Soooo im sorry I haven't posted In Awhile. This is going to be a hard update to write. I do plan to continue the story but I hope y'all understand why I needed and still kinda need alot of time between chapters. Also I'm not worried about my grammar and stuff right now. But I went through a break up, but that's okay because I kinda met the love of like since then. But I quit my job, caught covid, got over that. My son got sick and took him to the er. He's fine now. Then I had gallbladder surgery and had to recover. Then I found out I was pregnant. So I was pretty ill. Then I started bleeding and I went to the hospital and they told my bf they think I could be miscarrying. They told us to come back in two days to find out. We did and they said everything was fine but I wasn't miscarrying but to follow up with an OB. We followed up with and OB a week later and the she said she believes I was in fact miscarrying. She offered me medicine to advance it but I asked to think about. The next she called me and said my hcg is going up and I might not be miscarrying at all and to come back in a week to find out for sure. So my hopes got up. I was also on a lot of bed rest. I went to the doctor where he confirmed I was indeed miscarrying but I haven't passed it yet. And that there was no way to save the baby (I am leaving out a lot of details to make this as easy for me as possible) so I was sad and I was waiting for the miscarriage to actually start and while I was waiting I had to take my son back to the er. He is again okay now. But not long after this my miscarriage started. But then I lost WAY too much blood and had to go to the er and long-story-short: I almost died from blood loss. It was a really close call and I'm still processing it to be honest. It was about a week ago. I almost slipped into a coma and cardiac arrest and passed out multiple times. This was the most grueling, scariest, and most painful thing I've even been through in my life. Then I had to undergo another emergency surgery. But what's crazy is I thought about this story and I thought about how getting back to writing will make me so happy. I'm in the process of moving in with my bf and still recovering  from the blood loss. It can take up to two months to recover and I feel it's affects every day. But I promise to get back to this story as soon as possible. I love you guys. ❤️

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