6 Potters Return

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No grave can hold my body down,

I'll crawl home to her.

Angie and I exited the Weasley house with Ginny and Mrs Weasley. The four of us watched with bated breath as the first pair came into view, illuminated by the light shining from the house.

"Harry. Hagrid," Mrs Weasley said with the smallest hint of relief that they made it, but there was still worry for the safety of the others. That worry only strengthened as the two approached us; it became clear that something had gone horribly wrong on their journey. Angie and I gripped each other's hands tighter as dread sank in. Anxiety dwelled in our features as we rushed to meet Harry and Hagrid the rest of the way.

"What happened?" Molly looked between the two frantically, "Where are the others?"

"Is no one else back?" asked a perplexed Harry.

"They were on us right from the start, Molly," Hagrid informed her, "We didn't stand a chance."

There was a breath of gratefulness released by Mrs Weasley, but the nerves still trembled in her voice, "Well, thank goodness you two are alright."

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us; it was an ambush!" Hagrid continued, but Mrs Weasley was the only one listening now.

Harry and Ginny exchanged looks as they stepped towards each other, while Angie and I listened as she told him, "Ron and Tonks should have already been back...Dad and Fred as well."

Angie and I were too afraid to speak. She tensed up next to me, causing her grip to compact mine, but I kept my grasp firm to comfort her and swallowed hard, feeling like my stomach was turning inside out.

There was another flash of light and swooshing noise as two more silhouettes walked out of the tall grass, one slumped over the other.

"Oh my God," Angie's breath hitched as she let go of my hand and bolted towards them. Even though he still looked like Harry, she could sense that it was George hanging from Lupin's shoulder.

When I walked over to help them, I noticed that George's ear had been almost entirely blown off as blood ran down his face and soaked his shirt. Seeing him struggling to stay conscience as he hung limply off Lupin made my heart stop momentarily before slamming into my chest plate.

"Here!" Lupin yelled as Angie wrapped George's other arm around her shoulder to help support his weight.

As they passed, I heard her whispering comforting things to him like, "You're gonna be okay. We'll take care of you."

"Quick!" Lupin ordered, "Into the house!"

We all followed them in, and Molly's breath caught in her throat at the sight of George, "Oh, my boy."

She went around the couch to help Lupin, and Angie lay her son on it. When he collapsed onto the couch, Mrs Weasley whimpered as she kneeled beside it and Angie ran to get a rag from the kitchen.

Then, suddenly, Lupin grabbed Harry by the collar and shoved him into the wall.

Hagrid and I jumped back, but Ginny stepped forward, "What are you doing?"

Shushing her, Lupin pointed his wand at Harry. Lupin heaved and stared him down briefly before he questioned, "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"

Before Lupin finished the sentence, Harry shouted, "ARE YOU MAD?"

"WHAT CREATURE?" Lupin barked back.

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