Private Talks

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Yeah, I'm still in love with you.

With a loud crack from apparation, we landed back in Fred's room.

"Charlotte!" A cheery voice sang before someone enveloped me in a hug.

"Oh, my Godic! Angie?!" I squealed and returned her tight embrace, "What are you doing here?"

She pulled away and beamed at me, "You didn't really think you were going to have a slumber party without me, did you?"

My jaw dropped as I turned to Fred. He had that Cheshire grin plastered on his face again as he rocked back and forth on in feet.

"You really planned a sleepover for me?" I asked.

"For us," He lifted a cheeky finger to make his point, "We have to celebrate our last summer together before we start our 7th year."

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted immediately.

"Are they here? I heard a crack," George called as he entered through the threshold. Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten this was his room, too.

When he and Fred finally looked at each other, they threw their hands in the air and cheered before running to meet each other in a big hug. It was one of those hugs guys do where they're so excited, and they wind up slightly shoving each other while smacking each other on the back. Sometimes It can be odd to observe the rituals of the male species.

"It's been forever since I've seen you guys," George grinned as he pulled away from Fred and gave me a hug, "Been keeping my bed warm for me?"

"As warm as I can. I'm really gonna miss it when you kick me out," I told him.

"We can always share mine," Fred winked at me with a tempting grin.

"No way! Sleeping next to you is like cuddling a heater," I teased him

"How would you know? We've never actually shared a bed together."

"You're so full of hot air that I can tell."

Fred's grin transformed into a smirk as his eyebrows lifted just a fraction, "Give me a chance to prove you wrong?"

George and Angelina exchanged a confused look before George interjected, "So, how was the trip? What did you guys do?"

His question broke Fred and me free from our coquettish gazes, and Fred's expression changed to elation as he answered his twin, "Blinding! I've got loads to tell you. First, there are these things called 'tellies', and Charlotte and I got loads of scary movies to show you guys," He stopped suddenly and pointed at me with a confused look, "You did remember to bring everything, didn't you?"

Giggling, I nodded, "Yes, Fred. It's all in here."

I handed him my bag that was enchanted with the extension charm, "Just use engorgio when you find it."

he smiled broadly as he took it from my hand, "Thanks, Lettie."

As if without thinking, Fred leaned over, wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and kissed my cheek before going over to his brother, "C'mon, George. I want to show this to Dad too."

George furrowed his eyebrows at me with shock and confusion before turning as Fred yanked him out of the room by his sleeve.

"Wow," Angelina breathed as she blinked at me with just as much surprise as George had, "What exactly is going on between you two?"

"What do you mean? Fred and I have always been like this," I stated and twirled blissfully into a sitting position on Fred's bed.

"Please," Angie rolled her eyes, "You two may be natural flirts, but neither of you have acted this way in a long time. Even then, it was never this flirtatious," She claimed.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now