St. Mungo's

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Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle.

I can't let you go now that I got it.

And all I need is to be struck,

By your electric love.

Fiddling with my bottom lip, I paced back and forth inside the waiting room at St. Mungo's. This was a new nervous tick I developed ever since I stopped wearing necklaces.

We learned that Mr Weasley would be okay but was still gravely injured. Mrs Weasley was in his room and wanted to talk with him in private before their children arrived to keep them from worrying them any further. So, I was tasked with meeting them in the waiting room. Mad-Eye and Tonks were also on their way.

Soon after we arrived, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George bolted through the hospital doors. Each of them out of breath, with matching looks of distraught on their faces. They looked around the room frantically with bulging eyes before Fred's landed on mine.

With the news of Arthur's attack, I had forgotten about how scared I was about Fred's feelings for me earlier. But as I made my way over to them, the longing in his eyes mixed with the worried look on his face told me that I no longer needed to worry about that.

He ran over to me with a sense of urgency, and his siblings followed closely behind when they noticed he had separated from the group. I picked up my pace, starving to get to him quicker before we collided and enveloped each other tightly. However, No words were spoken between us as we pulled apart.

What do you say to someone in a time like this?

"Charlotte..." George greeted me breathlessly after his little jog before he pulled me into a hug.

"How is he?" A perturbed Ginny questioned as he hair floated back to her shoulders.

I pulled away from the hug with George to address them all, "He's stable, but they want to keep him here for a while. They said he's going to make it."

My smile was faint, happy that I could offer them this bit of good news, "Your mum is with him now."

Their shoulders relaxed as relief washed over all their faces.

"Can we see him?" Ron asked.

I nodded, my throat still tight, "Of course. I'll take you guys to him. It's this way."

Waving behind my body, I turned and led them through a set of doors and down another hallway.

As they followed me, I heard someone's footsteps quicken a bit before feeling a calloused hand slip into mine. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled slightly when I saw that it was Fred and tightened my grip on his hand in an attempt to comfort him.

After a few more turns down the hall, we finally made it to the room that Mr Weasley was staying in.

"Here it is," I turned to them, "He's right in there. Fifth bed on the left."

George, Ron, and Ginny thanked me before entering the room, but Fred hung back.

He stepped closer to me with fret etched into his face, "Charlotte, I-"

Knowing what he was about to bring up the lack of communication, I quickly assured him, "It's okay, Freddie. Go be with your dad right now. We'll talk about it later. I'll be in there after I meet Tonks and Moody out front."

There was a hint of solace and gratefulness on his face as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you in there," he whispered and hurried through the doors.

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