The Battle Pt. 2

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Fred's P.O.V.

It all happened so fast. One minute, I was battling alongside Percy. The next minute, I was lying on the ground, confused and disoriented. The wind had been knocked out of me as I desperately gasped for air amidst the cloud of dust.

My vision returned as I turned onto my stomach and called out with a shaky voice, "C-Charlotte?"

No answer...

Calling out to her again, I started to pull my body in the direction I had left her.

Still no answer...

That's when panic started to set in. I could feel my heart starting to pound against my chest. My breath started to rise with it, making it harder to breathe through all the dust and debris. I need to get it together, at least for a moment. At least until I find her.

I could feel my body practically screaming at me to stop as I pulled myself across the stone floor and shards of rock. To stay down and wait for help, but that wasn't an option. Not with Charlotte somewhere weak and wounded. My eyes narrowed in an attempt to focus my vision past the cloud of dust as I crawled on the ground, searching for her.

"Lettie, call out to me!" I pleaded through heavy coughs, using my hand to wave away the falling dirt as much as possible, "I can't find you!"

Then my eyes landed on her, and my stomach lurched and turned to lead.

"Charlotte!" I yelled despite my mouth turning dry, the sight of her seemingly lifeless body sending terror through my own. I felt the colour drain from my face like a cold wave washing over me as my heart started pounding painfully against my chest. Every worst possible scenario ran through my mind as I crawled towards her.

As my fingertips brushed against her cool skin, I forced my body to my knees and pulled her in gently to cradle her in my arms. The pressure was building behind my eyes, and I squeezed them shut in hopes of stopping my tears, but when I reopened them, they were met again with her closed lids as she laid there unresponsive.

The hot tears ran down my cheeks as I brushed her hair back from her face.

"C'mon, Baby-" I choked back a sob, "You're gonna be okay. Just stay with me...please"

My voice cracked, praying with everything I had and everything I ever believed in that she could hear me.

I desperately tried to listen and feel for any sign of life as I aligned my ear with her mouth, hoping to catch the sound of her breath, but then the sinister whispers of Voldemort crept in, and a groan slipped past my gritted teeth as my insides shrunk and coiled within themselves.

"You have fought valiantly...But in vain," The dark voice slithered between my ears as my face contorted.

I grimaced in pain and disgust as my throbbing head dropped to Charlotte's. Still, the voice continued, "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

My grip on Charlotte's arm tightened, but Voldemort's echoing words didn't stop, "Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forrest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

Suddenly, the eerie voice disappeared, and the torturous feeling followed it, leaving me in a repetitive gasp for air after releasing a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding. When I lifted my head, I noticed the cloud of dust had receded, and I could finally see Percy down the hall, removing his hands from his ears as he shook his head.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now