An Old...Friend

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You slow down time, 

In your golden hour 

"So what's the plan?" Fred asked as he plopped next to me on the couch.

"What do you mean?"

"I meannn, when are you going to show me your world?"

I lifted a brow, "My world?"

"Yeah!" He held on to the edges of the couch and lifted himself, twisting his body to turn and face me before plonking down on his knees with a fascinated gleam in his eyes, "Show me what it's like to live like a muggle. I've always been curious about what you do when you come home for the summer."

"Awe, Freddie! Of course," I smiled at his eagerness, "I'd love to show you everything."

"Then C'mon, let's go," He gripped my hand and jumped from the couch.

I laughed as he pulled me towards the door, "Wait, I have to get changed and tell my parents first."

Fred huffed impatiently and rolled his eyes, "Okay. Fine, but hurry up."

I rolled my eyes in return and teased him over my shoulder as I started up the stairs, "Since when are you so needy?"


After a few minutes, I hopped off the bottom step when I returned, "Guess what?"

Fred was leaning against the wall, but once he saw me, he perked up with curiosity, "What?"

"Dad gave me the keys to his car," I sang, dangling the keys in my hand.

Fred got excited again and snatched them away from me, "I'm driving!" He said before quickly running out the door.

"Hey!" I shouted and ran after him, "I don't think that's a good idea!"

"Oh, C'mon!" He pleaded as he came to a halt and turned to me, "I drove my dad's car, and you never complained then. How different could they be, really?"

"Well, first off, there are actual roads," I cocked my head to the side, waving my hands to emphasise every detail, "with rules! and other cars on them!"

He clearly wasn't listening to me because even as I spoke he was climbing into the driver's seat.

I quickly crawled into the passenger side but grabbed his hand before he could put the keys in the ignition, "I'm serious, Fred. This isn't the same as flying your dad's car."

"Just give me a chance...Pleaseee?" He begged while giving me a puppy dog look with his big brown eyes.

I exhaled sharply through my nose, giving in, "Alright. Fine," I dropped entirely into the passenger seat, "But if there is any trouble, I'm taking over."

After putting on my seatbelt, I braced myself as he did the same.

"Trust me, You have nothing to worry about," He started the car before putting it in reverse, "Everything is going to be just fine."

Forgetting to look over his shoulder, Fred began to back out of the driveway. Luckily, I didn't forget and noticed a car zooming.

"Fred, Look out!" I yelled.

He slammed the brakes, causing our bodies to jolt back against our seats.

Both of us were breathing heavily from the sudden shockwave being sent to our hearts as we heard the honking horn of the passing car.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now