A Little Privacy Please?

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Pull me oh so close,

Because you never know

Just how long our lives will be.

I was sitting in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room, completely lost in thought and fiddling with my necklace.

"Okay, What's on your mind?" Fred's voice broke me from my trance as he plopped beside me on the couch cushion.

I gave him a weak smile, "Nothing."

"Hey, C'mon, talk to me. Is it Cedric?" His face turned into one of concern as he shifted his body to look at me. He rested his arm on the back of the couch and started to play with the end of my hair.

I sighed, "Something like that..."

"It can't be that bad, right? Don't you have another date coming up?"

I nodded, unsure what to say. It was true. This was our 3rd date since my birthday. So three dates in three days. Now it's the day of the Quidditch match, and I hadn't seen any of the guys or Angie. Well, that was until Fred walked in just now. They usually have early, long quidditch practices because Oliver can be relentless even on his good days.

My silence caused Fred to tug lightly on the piece of my hair he was playing with, making me giggle.

"There's that smile," He looked at me with adoration, "Now tell me what's wrong. You haven't been able to shut up about him the last few days, and now I can't get you to talk," Fred tried to keep a light-hearted attitude, but I could have sworn I saw something change in his eyes.

"It's just all so new and happening so fast. Who goes on this many dates this fast?"

A small breath fell through his lips before he muttered with downcast eyes, "Maybe a guy that really likes you..."

That's odd. Fred has been mainly smiling and laughing the last few days, but occasionally, there would be a sudden change in his body language. It was like he constantly shifted in and out of two different emotions. My eyes studied for any answers that he might unintentionally give off, "You okay, Freddie?"

"Hm," His lips pulled into a fine line as he looked at me. This time it looked like he was the one being pulled out of deep thought. He shifted back into his unconvincing carefree demeanour, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

"Freddie," I gave him a look through hooded eyes.

"Really, Lettie. Everything's fine. I'm just a little worried about this match, that's all. There's supposed to be a nasty storm coming through. It can rock even the most confident quidditch player."

I didn't believe him. Something was definitely bothering him, and I continued scanning his eyes for clues. After being best friends this long, I know when Fred is willing to open up, and this is not one of those times. Eventually, he'll come around and tell me. He always does, but until then, I must respect his unspoken wishes to attempt to work through things on his own first. But still, my eyes narrowed inquisitively, searching one final time for a possible slip-up, "If you say so."

"I know so," he replied swiftly, "Now, enough about me. We're talking about your problems here."

Fred twiddling with my hair soothed me a tad as I flattened my skirt and sighed, " I guess I'm just afraid of messing this up?" I admitted, crossing my arms.

"You're afraid? Charlotte, he's the one that should be afraid of messing things up, and I guarantee you he is."

"How could you possibly guarantee that?"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now