One Last Drink Together

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And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best 

Though it never felt right.


The hospital asked should the body be cast 

 Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky

A couple more months have passed, and the end of the school year is approaching. I was almost done packing all my belongings like Fred had asked me to. I was still determining where he planned for us to go, but I trusted him and George both to know what they were doing. They always had a plan. They've had one ever since we were kids. My parents knew the three of us always planned to live and work together once we graduated from Hogwarts, but it wasn't until recently that they were convinced that we had the means to do so. Still, they seem supportive enough. As supportive as parents can be before their nest becomes empty.

I didn't think it was possible, but Fred and I have gotten even closer (in every sense of the word) over Christmas Break. We knew our days together were limited, so we took the opportunity to be intimate again every night before he left for school. I must admit, it was fun sneaking around, but I'm so ready to be somewhere we didn't have to worry about that. There was still George, but he was always respectful about giving us privacy. He also wants to spend the majority of his time with Angelina, so that helps.

Sighing, I looked around my room in the Black house. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think a part of me will miss this place a little. A pang of sadness crept into my heart as I thought about what I was saving to pack up last. To keep Kreacher from nabbing anything out of it, I put the box of Cedric's belongings at the top of the closet. It's been a while since I looked at it, and I wasn't sure if I could do it now. Some days, the thought of his things brought comfort. But on others, it caused such a sense of grief that it felt like it weighed my heart all the way down to the floor.

Fred was always there for me if I had one of these days and sometimes offered consolation by telling me stories of memories he had of, and with, Cedric. Most of them I had never heard before. It was so soothing to learn more about Cedric through the eyes of others. One thing I was consistently thankful for was Fred's compassion and patience. He never let these nights strain our relationship and always reassured me that he was still comfortable talking about Cedric with me.

However, I tried not to have many nights like this. Sometimes the only thing that could save me from dwelling in my memories was knowing that it was the last thing Cedric would want me to do. It was one of his final wishes, and I try every day to respect it. Still, maybe I shouldn't pack up his box just yet. The last day of school was still a couple of weeks away, and I didn't trust Kreacher to not rummage through it.

I turned to the door when I heard footsteps descending the nearby staircase. Sirius must be out of his room. Being one of the only people in this house has driven him barmy. I really felt for the guy. At least I got to leave with Mr and Mrs Weasley occasionally, but Sirius had to stay inside the house daily. He hasn't seen the sun in so long. I try to talk to him as much as possible, but he rarely comes out of his room anymore. But we have gotten a bit closer the few times we spoke.

Sirius is no stranger to deep talks and has a sense of humour and mischief that rivalled that of Fred and George. It made me wonder what his friendship with Harry's father was like. I bet they all would have been friends if they had attended Hogwarts together. Either that, or there may have been some weird competition between the pairs on who could cause the most trouble.

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