A Mermaid's Song

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In the middle of the night, In the middle of the night,

Just call my name, I'm yours to tame.

In the middle of the night, In the middle of the night,

I'm wide awake, I crave your taste.

After changing into my swimsuit, I slipped on the t-shirt Cedric let me borrow a while back and a pair of shorts. Then I grabbed a towel before leaving the dorm and walking out of the portrait hole.

Waiting for me on the other side was Cedric, dressed in swim trunks and a t-shirt, and in his arms was something wrapped in a towel.

He turned around when he heard the portrait door open and smiled at me, and offered a hand, "Ready to go?"

"Still don't know where we're going, but sure," I took his hand.

"You'll see," He laced our fingers together and started leading the way.

We didn't have to worry about sneaking around since most Hogwarts inhabitants were still at dinner.

I let him lead me all the way to the fifth floor, and it wasn't until I saw the statue of Boris the Bewildered that it finally clicked in my mind where we were going. I once used the map to sneak in here.

"This is the Prefects bathroom, right?"

Cedric nodded, "Should I pat you down for Frog Spawn Soap?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please, I'd never pull the same prank twice. You can still pat me down, though."

"Oh, trust me," He smirked before winking at me, "I plan to."

I was thankful that the dim hall lighting hid my blush.

Cedric used the password to unlock the door, and I followed him in. My jaw dropped as I marvelled at the beauty of the enormous bathroom. An elegant stained-glass window of a mermaid lit up the room in different colours as the moonlight beamed through it. In the middle of the floor was a big empty space that looked more like a pool than a bath and was adorned with all kinds of decorative faucets. Cedric turned them on, and soaps of various colours started to pour into the tub.

"Looks a lot prettier at night, doesn't it?" He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, "It also looks better when there aren't frogs jumping around everywhere."

I giggled and held onto his arms, "So, are you going to tell me what we're doing here?"

"Right. I almost forgot," He let go of me, picked his towel back up, and started to unwrap what he hid within it, "I locked the door and silenced the room so no one else could hear the clue. Well, that, and...," He grinned at me, "other things."

My eyes rolled playfully in response, and I gasped as he removed the golden egg from his towel, "You brought it?! Does that mean you figured out the clue?"

"Not yet, but I think I know how. Professor Moody gave me a tip about it in the last DADA class."

"Moody?," My nose and brows crinkled, "I thought he was helping Harry?"

"I did too, but I figured there is no harm in seeing if he's right."

This mistrustful stir crawled up from the pit of my stomach and clung to the back of my throat, begging for me to voice it, but I couldn't bring myself to do so when I saw the eagerness in Cedric's eyes. However, he must have caught on because his expression became softer as he retook my hand.

He looked into my eyes as his thumb stroked the top of my hand, "I know it's weird for him to try and help me out, but I promise I'll be careful going forward. Let's just see if this works first. You're the one I trust the most, and I really wanted to share this clue with you. Your support has already gotten me this far."

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