Quidditch World Cup Pt. 1

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I knew I loved you then,

But you'd never know

"Good morning, Lovelies!" I sang out as I entered Fred and George's room.

They both groaned in unison.

"Do you boys really have to do everything together?"

Fred sat up and stretched his arms, causing his muscles to flex and his t-shirt to lift just enough to flash a small patch of his abbs, "Do you really have to be so loud?" He mocked me.

"Leave her alone," George yawned and cracked his neck, "She's just excited because she gets to see Mr Super-Puff. Any other day she would be drooling on her pillow."

I crossed my arms and rhymed with a fake French accent, "Oh, yes. Little me, infatuated by Diggory," Then I deadpanned, "The joke is old."

"Still gives me a good laugh," He shrugged as he stood up, "Can you go now so we can get ready?" He may have sounded annoyed, but I knew he was being snarky as a joke

As I walked away, I matched his tone, "Like I would want to see that!"


The sun was just rising, and the birds started to chirp as we left The Burrow. My cheeks were already starting to chap from the brisk morning air, and I crossed my arms to keep myself warm.

I kept stride between Fred and George as we all followed Mr Weasley.

Ron and Harry were dragging behind and talking amongst themselves. I don't think they've ever been up this early in their whole life.

"Ron, Where are we actually going?" Harry asked.

"Dunno," Ron shrugged before calling to the front of the group, "Hey, Dad! Where are we going?!"

"Haven't the foggiest!" Mr Weasley called back to them and ordered, "Keep up."

Harry and Ron trotted up the hill to catch up to the rest of us.

After reaching some distance, there was the sound of someone ahead of us yelling cheerily, "Arthur! It's about time!"

Mr Weasley waved at him, "Sorry, Amos," He looked back at Harry and a yawning Ron, "Some of us got a bit of a sleepy start."

I felt my heartbeats quicken when he said Amos' name, knowing that meant Cedric was nearby. It's bewildering to me that I still feel all tingly when I know I'm about to see Cedric. Amos' presence made it worse because I was always terrified of saying the wrong thing when Cedric's parents were around.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," Arthur announced to the group, but mostly to the ones that hadn't met him yet, "Works with me at The Ministry."

We reached Amos under a tree, and when he noticed me, Mr Diggory was all smiles as his arms opened, "Charlotte! Good to see you again!"

I smiled back and him and walked over to give him a hug, "Good to see you too, Mr Diggory."

"Please, call me Amos," We pulled apart from each other, and he grinned a little too enthusiastically, "Tell me, How's your mum?"

"Oh. Um, She's good," I answered awkwardly as I pulled my backpack over my shoulder before looking around, "Where's Cedric?"

That was when Cedric jumped from the tree and landed on his feet beside me with a thud, "Right here."

I squealed and jumped back in fright at his sudden appearance, and everyone laughed at my reaction.

"Don't do that!" I playfully shoved him, "What the bloody hell are you doing falling from the sky like that?"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now