Quidditch World Cup Pt. 2

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She is love,

and she is all I need.

"There you are!" Cedric smiled and pulled me into a hug. His eyes narrowed when he leaned back, "What happened to your face?"

I knew he was referring to paint Fred smeared on it.

Even though I protested against it back at the tent, Fred had taken it upon himself to sneak up behind me and speak cheekily, "Hey, Lettie," When I looked at him over my shoulder, his hand snuck around from the other side, squishing my face as he rubbed it in circles to spread the green gooey liquid over it.

"Fred!" I screeched and instantly snatched the paper off the coffee table. Jumping up from the couch, I started chasing Fred around the tent. Eventually, I backed him into a cot, and as he laid there with me over him, he cackled and held his hands and a foot up to block the strikes raining down on him.

So here I am now, standing in front of my normally dressed boyfriend and looking all silly, but I decided to make Cedric sweat anyway. Giving him an accusing look, I put my hands on my hips, "What's wrong with my face?"

"Oh. Um. Nothing. It's just erm..."Cedric cleared his throat and crossed his arms. He held his chin in his fingers, trying to figure out how to respond. He looked so uncomfortable, and it was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"She's messing with you, Mate," Fred informed him.

George nodded, "Yeah. Don't fall for her act."

"Ohhh," Cedric let out a sigh of relief and chuckled. Then he tilted his head towards me and deadpanned, "Not funny."

"Fred! George! I don't ruin your pranks!"

"Speaking of pranks!" Fred put an arm around Cedric's shoulders, "How about we tell your prefect boyfriend here about everything we get up to at school."

"You wouldn't believe the stuff she's gotten away with," George started.

"You don't say?" Cedric kept his arms crossed as he eyed me and ran his tongue behind his bottom lip, "Like what?"

"You two shut up," I hissed at Fred and George, but they ignored me. Obviously, they were enjoying tormenting me.

"Remember last year when the Frog Spawn Soap got in the prefects' bathroom?" George asked Cedric.

Cedric nodded, "Yeah."

Fred took his arm off Cedric and pointed at me as he rocked on his feet.

"That was you?!" Cedric's eyes bugged out, "We had tadpoles swimming around in there for months! One of the frogs jumped down the front of my trunks!"

Fred and George laughed, and my face started to turn bright red.

Through his laughter, Fred started up again, "And once at George's and my first quidditch match, Y'know, the one against Hufflepuff?"

"Wait, that was your first match, too, yeah?" George questioned Cedric rhetorically.

Fred continued, "Anyway, Charlotte knew we were nervous about the game. So she took it upon herself to sneak into Hufflepuff's tent and-"

"You're the one that released Fanged Frisbees in our tent?!" Cedric yelled, absolutely astonished at this realisation.

"Fred!" I shouted, throwing my gloves at him.

"See you two lovebirds later," George grinned.

He and Fred took off, cackling to the Quidditch pitch.

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