A Few Nights In Between

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Can I call you baby? 

Can you be my friend?

Can you be my lover up until the very end?

I woke up the next morning in Cedric's arms. My chest was lying halfway on his chest with intimate skin-to-skin contact. One of my legs was hooked with his, and only a sheet laid over the lower half of our bodies.

He felt my weight shift and tilted his head to smile at me sleepily, "Good morning, Gorgeous," He breathed raspily and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning, Handsome," I sighed contently and nuzzled my cheek into his chest, but when I finally opened my eyes, they landed on a photo on top of his nightstand. How did I not see this last night? Well, to be fair, I was a little preoccupied with something else.

"Is this one of the pictures Creevey took?" I reached over his body to pick up the framed, moving photo. It was the one where Cedric and I leaned in to kiss each other after talking about him entering the tournament. The same day we spent under the shady tree, out by the lake. The kiss replayed over and over inside the frame, and my heart fluttered as I watched our lips repeatedly melt together.

Cedric played with the ends of my hair and grinned, "Yeah. He didn't want to give it to me at first because He was so angry with how Hufflepuff treated Harry after his name came out of the Goblet. But after much convincing, I finally talked him into giving me both the pictures. Mum just sent me a frame for this one, and I thought I'd put it out as a nice surprise."

"It came out beautiful," I smiled at the photo, then looked over at him, "but where's the other photo at?"

"I don't have that one with me right now. It's put up somewhere safe."

I lifted a brow, "Oh, so you're just not gonna let me see it?"

He chuckled lightly, "You can see it after the tournament. Like I said, I don't have it on me right now."

"Do I even get to keep one of them?"

"You can have this one," He pointed to the framed photo in my hand, "But not yet. I want to keep it until I can put the other one out. It's my favourite and definitely staying with me."

"And I really don't get a say in this?"

Cedric's grin turned sly as he shook his head, "Not this time, Love."

"Fine," I huffed and sat the frame back on his nightstand and grumbled, "Damn. You'd think after giving a guy your virginity, the least he can do is give you a photo."

Cedric let out an 'Ohhhh' through laughter and tilted my chin, "So, it's gonna be like that?"

"You started it."

His eyes flickered to my lips as he ran his thumb along my bottom one. His own lifted into a smirk as he started to lean in, "I can finish it for you, too, if you'd like?"

In an attempt to hide my sudden lack of oxygen, I grinned at him deviously before whispering, "Maybe after you've brushed your teeth, Love."

Cedric wasn't able to contain himself after that. He broke out into another a guffaw that was so infectious it caused me to join in. We both clutched at our arching stomachs and rode out the hysterics until we finally calmed down.

While catching his breath, he pulled me into him again, "How are you feeling after last night?"

"Still kind of sore," I answered while he played with my hair again. In response, I relaxed and traced hearts on his chest with my fingertip.

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