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Sometimes I get a little bit emotional when I see love unfold,

Two hearts bound by reflections of the memories they'll forever hold.

"I can't believe it!" A teenage boy groaned as he turned to his cousin, who was just a few months older than him, "My cousin has finally crossed over to the dark side and become a prefect."

"And what exactly have you done?" His cousin asked as he snatched the shiny silver prefect badge back. Both of them wore matching smirks that were the spitting image of their fathers' as the two young boys taunted each other playfully, "All you know how to do is hit a bludger."

"We'll see if you still have that attitude when I send one your way at the next match."

"Freddie, that's enough," Angelina addressed her son as she and I walked into my dining room together, "This is Georgie's party, after all."

"But someone's got to keep his head from getting any bigger!" Freddie (Angelina and George's son) protested.

"We can go right now!" The younger George challenged him, "How 'bout it? Grab your broom, and we'll settle this with a match."

"You're on!"

As they both grabbed their brooms resting against the doorframe, I called out to them, "Let your sisters play, too!"

They both threw their heads back and grunted loudly, but neither of them protested as they exited the house.

Angie and I rolled our eyes and giggled before looking at each other.

"What were we thinking having kids so close together?" She questioned

I shrugged, "It's not like we really planned it."

"Not the first time, but then we went and did it again!"

"Then there must have been something we liked about it," I cheeked.

Angie tittered again as she shook her head, "I'm going to help my George finish up outside."

"I'll meet you out there. Fred should be here any minute, and I need to help Molly finish cooking the food."

"I'll see you out there," She walked away with a grin.

When I walked into the kitchen, I was greeted by Molly Weasley's friendly smile, "Hello there, Charlotte."

"Hello again," I smiled back.

"Are you feeling any better?" She questioned knowingly while peeling potatoes.

"Loads, and thank you for all the help."

"Happy to help, Dear!" She beamed, "Anything for my grandbabies."

After a few more minutes, I heard another voice come through Fred's and my front door, "Their favourite Aunt is here!"

"You're their only Aunt," Ron's dry voice said to Ginny.

I turned the corner just in time to see Hermione give them him a wry expression, "What am I? A cat?"

"What? No!" Ron cleared his throat before correcting himself, "I just meant Ginny is their only aunt by blood."

"Nice save," Harry quipped.

I laughed before turning to all of their kids and informing them, "There's a match going on outside if you guys like to join them."

They didn't need to be told twice. James, Albus, Lilly, Rose, and Hugo's faces lit up as they all darted off, nearly knocking me over in the process.

"Oi, watch it!" Ginny called after them.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now