Before the First Task

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Baby, You look happier, you do.

I knew one day you'd fall for someone new,

But if he breaks your heart like lovers do,

Just know that I'll be waiting here for you.

I felt Cedric shift beside me in the bed and wrap his arm around my waist. He scooted closer and pressed his chest against my back, causing me to move a little as I woke. In a failed attempt to fall right back to sleep, I tucked my hands underneath the pillows, trying to get comfy again.

Cedric propped himself up on his elbow before speaking softly in my ear, "Good morning," His raspy voice caused the hair on my neck to stand up as it stirred something inside me.

When he brought his lips up to kiss my temple, I felt a smile slowly creep across my face, "Good morning," I told him and turned onto my back to look at him. His arm remained around me, and I lightly trailed my fingertips along it.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"Like a baby," I replied blissfully.

"So staying the night with me helped?"

"Did you really think it wouldn't?"

Cedric chuckled, "You know you don't always have to be a smart-arse?"

I fake a wry expression, "I don't? I could have sworn it was in the life contract I signed right after God made me."

This made Cedric laugh, "Cute, Hodges. Real cute."

"I'm pretty sure being cute was also part of the fine print."

Cedric rolled his eyes, "Shut up," He put his hand on my face and gently pushed me to the other side of the already small bed. I took this opportunity to be overdramatic and flung myself off the bed, groaning when I hit the ground with a thud, making Cedric burst out in laughter.

I sat up and placed an arm on the bed. As I rested my chin on it, I blew my bangs out of my face, "Oh, don't mind me. I'm fine. It's not like I fell out of bed or anything."

He faked coughed and rolled his lips between his teeth to hold back his laughter, but as we made eye contact, he cracked up again, which made me do the same.

"Honestly, Love, You can't expect me to feel sorry for you when you throw yourself off the bed," Cedric breathed as his laughter ceased.

"And why not?" I stood up and straightened the jersey Cedric gave me last night, but my question was lost on him because when I looked at Cedric, his hands were resting behind his head, and I saw his eyes linger up and down my body, taking in my appearance.

I felt myself blush and swayed my arms lightly. The jersey's sleeves swung against the hems that rested on my hips, "Maybe we should, erm... go to class. We're obviously very late," I locked my hands behind my back and looked around at the empty dorm. His roommates must have left before we woke up.

"Orrr", Cedric's voice trailed as he sat up and looked at me with his beautiful grey eyes, "We can just stay in bed all day?"

"Ohhh. Now you're speaking my language."

He bit his lip as he reached his hands out, "Then get back over here already."

"Mmm. Yes, sir," I smiled temptingly and took his hands. He pulled me back into his arms, causing us to fall onto the bed with guffaws.

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