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Send your dreams where nobody hides

Give your tears to the tide

"Okay, here they are," I swung open the door to my closet to reveal multiple crates full of vials of Amortentia.

Both their eyes enlargened, and George was the first to speak as he walked over to grab a vial, "You made all of these?"

Shrugging, I told them, "I had a lot of time on my hands. Remember I only needed a month to brew them? Well, many months have passed between then and now."

"We kind of forgot about them after dad's attack," Fred sat on the corner of my desk, "I guess our minds were elsewhere."

"The colour of these is intense," George twirled the potion around to watch its dazzling reflection, "Have you taken a whiff of them yet?"

I shook my head, "Not yet. I like plugging my nose when making potions with potent scents."

Fred chuckled and crossed his arms, "It's actually hilarious seeing her with some bog roll up her nose."

George chortled at this thought, "How have I not seen you do that before?"

"Because I usually do it in private. In class, I just tried to push through it," I gave Fred a look, "Especially since someone really enjoys taking the mickey out of me when I do it."

In response, Fred grinned and gave me a coquettish wink with his arms still crossed. That effortless charm of his always enraptured me. I swear I could have planted the biggest kiss, among other things, on him right then and there if it wasn't for George being in the room.

"Why do you plug your nose?" George's voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I looked over at him, trying to gather myself so it wasn't apparent that I was just having salacious thoughts about his brother, "Oh, umm, I get migraines."

"Smells and lights are the biggest triggers for them, right?" Fred asked me.

George narrowed his eyes at Fred, "Y'know, sometimes it's creepy to know so many little things about someone else."

Fred raised his hands in defence, "It was obvious, though! Who did you think cared for her after all of our smoking sessions? It definitely wasn't you or Angie!"

"We were kind of busy back then," George tried to justify.

"With what? You two weren't even together yet," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, but I was trying to be! I almost kissed her a year earlier than I did, but you and Fred ruined that because you two entered the bedroom at the last minute. He brought you to get a—" An expression of comprehension came over his face, "a headache potion!"

Reminiscing, I tittered, "That was a fun night. I remember it was my first time smoking too."

"Yeah, and you were a giggling mess," Fred told me, "I wound up babysitting you all night."

I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his bangs, "I'm sorry, Freddie."

" 'Freddie?' How about an 'I'm sorry, Georgie'?" George looked dismayed, "I'm the one that got cock-blocked! Plus, Fred loved taking care of you! He talked about it all day the next day!"

I laughed and felt Fred wrap an arm around me to pull me down next to him, "I'm sorry for my intrusion years ago, Georgie."

"You better be," He sassed before pointing at the potion, "Why didn't you use headache potions when making these?"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now