The Burrow Pt. 2

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I know I can treat you better

Than he can

Fred's P.O.V.

George's eyes followed Charlotte as she left the room, then turned back to me and used his thumb to point out the door, "What the bloody hell was that all about?"

I chewed on my bottom lip before I decided to tell George the conversation I just had with Charlotte.

"You did what?!" George's eyes widen, and he quickly shut the door, "Fred, You didn't!"

"What's the big deal? You used to always tease me about not having the bullocks to tell her how I feel."

"That was before she had a boyfriend, you git! That's a big deal!" George groaned, "You have no idea what you just did!"

My face fell flat as I started to get ticked off, "Why don't you enlighten me then?"

He broke eye contact with me to pace as his hand ran over his face, clearly not wanting to tell me something.

I gulped and sat up fast, now getting worried. Still feeling the effects of the alcohol, I had to grip the edges of the bed to steady myself, "What is it?"

George shook his head, "You're not gonna like it, Freddie."

I stood from the bed and stepped closer to him, "Just tell me!" I pleaded with him, "You have to do it now!"

George sighed, rested his hands on his hips, and looked at the ground. Still refusing to make eye contact with me, he divulged quietly, "She told me she's falling for Cedric..."

My heart stopped as I felt a cold chill wash over my body, "Oh no," I forked my fingers through my hair and started to pace back and forth, "No. No. No."

"Now, can you see why this is a big deal?"

I had no idea if it was the alcohol or the feeling of pure anguish in my stomach, but I couldn't contain it anymore. I threw myself back on the bed and quickly grabbed the bucket, expelling all the contents from my stomach.

George grimaced as he watched me, "I'm sorry," He spoke softly and sat down on his bed.

I used my shirt to wipe at my mouth before pulling it off and throwing it into the dirty clothes pile, "What do I do now? She wants to talk about this tomorrow."

"I don't know..." George pondered possible options, "You could pretend you don't remember saying anything or say you weren't in your right mind. I highly doubt this is how you wanted to tell her anyway; all drunk and stupid."

I rested my elbows on my knees and clasped my hands together. He was right. As badly as I wanted to tell Charlotte how I felt, this was the wrong way. I shouldn't have said anything while intoxicated or while she was with Cedric. I wanted it to be perfect when I told her...If I ever got that chance again.

"I just ruined everything. She won't even want to talk to me after this," I groaned and ran my hands threw my hair again before resting them on the back of my neck.

"Don't think like that, Fred. You'll figure it out. She loves you, and she wouldn't let go of the friendship you two have."

"I sure hope so," I muttered before laying back in bed and pulling the covers over my head, wanting so badly to disappear under them and end this conversation, "I have to get some rest. Goodnight, George."

"Goodnight. I'm here if you need to talk," He informed before crawling under his duvet.


"Boys, your mother said breakfast is ready. She needs your help setting the table," Charlotte's voice woke me from my sleep.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now