After the Quidditch Match

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I cross the ocean of my mind,

But in the end I drown,

You push me down, down.

We were all gathered around Harry's bed while in the Hospital wing.

It was probably the most horrifying game of Quidditch ever played. Lightning struck everywhere...Well, everywhere but Harry because lightning never strikes the same place twice.

Damn it. Shut up, Lettie.

The cold rain fell so hard against our faces that it felt like it was stripping us of our skin. The ominous grey clouds made the game barely visible, but Harry falling from the sky after the dementors attacked him was an unmistakable sight that filled us all with dread. The screams from the crowd were so loud that they bellowed over the roaring thunder.

"Don't get too close to him, Ron...Your breath will wake him sooner than he probably should," I jested, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry. It's just..." Ron trailed off while staring at Harry, "He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?"

"Peaky?" Piped Fred, "What'd you expect him to look like? he fell 50 feet!"

"Yeah, C'mon Ron," George said, "Let's walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking?"

"Probably a right side better than he normally does," Harry's voice strained as he opened his eyes, causing all of us to breathe a sigh of relief as smiles grew on our faces.

"Probably a right side better than he normally does," Harry's voice strained as he opened his eyes, causing all of us to breathe a sigh of relief as smiles grew on our faces

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I nudged Fred in the arm and leaned over to whisper, "Told you Ron's breath would wake him up."

Fred bit back a laugh and nudged me too. This started a few seconds of a nudging war behind everyone's backs while we tried to keep our composure.

Soon, we had to calm down because the topic became serious again. While listening to Harry, Fred leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Charlotte..." he nodded his head towards the opened doors of the Hospital Wing where Cedric was careening down the hall just on the other side.

I placed my hand on Fred's arm before telling him, "I'll be right back."

He looked disappointed as I walked off, but I wasn't sure why. It was probably the loss of the game, mixed with the previous worry about Harry's condition.

 It was probably the loss of the game, mixed with the previous worry about Harry's condition

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