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I'm 11 minutes away and I have missed you all day.

So why aren't you here?

I kept my eyes fixed on the ceiling as I lay in Fred's bed at Headquarters. His scent had already clung to the sheets in the short time he had spent here, making me think about the last time I smelled the familiar aroma.

Our last night together had been spent with talks and kisses as we got to know each other's bodies more intimately. We didn't take it too far since I wasn't ready for that yet, but we did study every not-so-risqué millimetre of each other that we possibly could. I smiled to myself as I remembered how his hands caressed my sides and gripped my hips and thighs while he kissed me deeply. At one point, I even led them to my bum and then ran my own hands up and down his chest and along his biceps. To tease him further, I slid them underneath his shirt and grazed the tips of my nails along his back. Every so often, he would grind against me, causing me to moan as my fingers tangled in his hair. Whenever he would do this, he'd place sensual kisses on my neck and then down to my shoulder as one of his hands wrapped around my throat. His long fingers pressed just hard enough to only give me a hint of how rough he could really be with me in the future.

These were just some memories I dreamt of before I woke up the next morning from receiving a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning," His voice was raspy as he watched my eyes flutter open.

"Good Morning," I sighed contently as I looked up through my fluttering lashes. My head still resting on his chest, "Some night last night, huh?"

"The best," He smiled at me fondly, "Can't believe I actually got to be that close with you."

"Maybe soon we can do even more," I craned my neck to kiss him.

Before I could pull away, he touched my cheek and pressed a tender kiss against my forehead before whispering, "I can't wait."

Longing started to creep in as I remembered that he had to leave for school today, "Is it about that time?" I asked as I looked up at him with doleful eyes.

His eyes were sad as he rested his chin on top of my head, "Unfortunately..."

He held me close and started to rub my arm, "You sure I can't talk you into coming back?"

For a split second, it felt like he could, but then the sorrow quickly crept up on me when I considered it, "I can't... I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I still understand," He assured me gently before pulling away to get a better view of me, "but I want to give you a proper goodbye before we have to say it all over again in front of my family."

I tilted my head back to return his gaze, "What sort of goodbye did you have in mind?"

A smirk slowly lifted into his cheek as he responded coquettishly, "I don't know. Maybe one with a little of this," he lowered his face as his lips melded softly with mine, "or a lot of it."

My twinkling eyes and smile lingered closely to his as I shook my head lightly, "I swear that charm of yours just does something to me."

"I'm glad you let it," he grinned before kissing me again.

We allowed ourselves a few more precious minutes of snogging before pulling away after four knocks on the door.

This was usually the signal George gave us when Fred took too long to leave my room, but he only did it if he was the first to wake up, which was usually the case. He didn't dare risk it if he wasn't.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now