Before You Leave

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Drowned just by the thought of you.

Don't know how to get me through

This feeling of falling for you.

"Honestly, do you two even remember how to walk?" I asked grumpily as I stomped into the room Fred and George occupied at Headquarters.

"Awe, you're so cute when you pout," Fred cooed at me when I sat next to him on the bed with my arms crossed.

"I'm not pouting," but my lips slightly poked out, and my prissy posture made it clear that I was, indeed, pouting.

"Oh, please. You're making the same face Ron made during the entirety of the Yule Ball!"

"Well, maybe I wouldn't if you didn't always leave me behind because you two feel the need to apparate into every damn room in the house!"

He chuckled, "Maybe you should learn how to do it then. You'll eventually get used to the feeling, and it's perfect for you since you're such a lazy sod."

My jaw dropped at his taunts, "I. Am. Not. Lazy!"

"Children! Children! Must you do this now?" George interjected as he stood over a table of joke products, "There's work to be done."

"Sorry, Dad," Fred and I teased him in unison.

George's posture stiffened as he tried to suppress his irritation.

"Only Angie gets to call me that," He murmured through gritted teeth.

This pulled laughter from Fred and me as I did my best to reply, "A little too much information, Georgie."

Fred, who was no longer listening to his brother, put his arm around me to pull me closer and started peppering my neck with soft kisses while George's back was still turned.

"Well then, consider us even," George remarked with annoyance, "I've been stuck in this house with you two all week, and I don't think I can handle even one more day of this honeymoon phase. I'll be so happy when we leave tomorrow."

He and Angelina were still the only ones who knew about Fred and me. It's not like we were trying to keep it a secret. It's just that we still didn't know what to call this, and we didn't feel like explaining our situation to everyone. We would rather just tell them whenever we made it official to avoid all those awkward talks.

So much time out of our days was taken up by everybody at Headquarters that we were often left with stealing glances of each other from across the room, trying to sneak a kiss in here and there, and sometimes even footsie under the table. Since George was the only one in the house aware of our 'relationship', it was hard not to release all that pent-up affection whenever it was just the three of us. Don't even get me started on when Fred and I were alone.

A giggle escaped me when Fred's lips brushed the tickle spot he had been searching my neck for.

"You see!" George turned around, throwing a hand up and causing Fred and me to jump apart, "Godric, Fred, get your head out of her arse before you get stuck."

"Oh, would you relax? You're just cheesed off because you miss Angie, and you can't wait to get to school and do the same with her!" I protested.

He pointed a finger at me with fake sternness, "Don't you dare use logic against me."

"Who's the child now?" Fred gave him a cheeky grin.

"Can we just get back to work, please?" George pleaded.

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