The Second Task

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Love isn't random.

We are chosen.

Fred's P.O.V.

"Bets! Place your bets!" George yelled to the crowd as they walked past us and towards the Black Lake.

"Step up, Mates! Don't be shy!" I shouted.

"Three Lads!"

"One Lady!"

"Four go down!"

"But do four come up?!" I felt someone knock into me when they walked by.

George and I turned and noticed it was Ginny.

"Don't be so mean," She scrunched up her nose and turned away.

We just brushed it off and started calling for bets again.

"Hey, Freddie, isn't that Diggory up there?" George pointed

I followed his finger and saw Cedric walking down the hill. He was muttering something to himself as he tapped his wand against a piece of paper.

"What chya doing there, Ced?" I asked.

He looked up at us, fast and worried, almost as if we scared him, "Oh, um, It's just some enchantments. I like to keep this with me during the tasks, and the charms will keep it safe from water damage," He informed us, folding the paper and stuffing it in the pocket of his shorts, "It also keeps it from creasing when it's folded and stays at my side."

Cedric gulped as he looked around and then past us. He was clearly searching for someone.

"Have you seen Charlotte?" George asked him.

"She's not with you?" His head snapped back towards us, the anxious look on his face becoming more prominent, "She told me last night that she was supposed to help you two with the wagers."

George and I shook our heads. My own fear was starting to sink into my stomach.

"We haven't seen her all day," George stated

"We just assumed she spent the night with you again," I told him.

Cedric shook his head, "I haven't seen her since she left with Professor Sprout last night."

My brows knitted together as I thought over this, "Now that I think about it, Hermione and Ron left with Professor McGonagall last night, and we haven't seen them since."

Cedric's face almost went blank as if he had just realized something. He blanched as his jaw dropped slightly. It was as if he was looking through us instead of at us. His hand instinctively went to his pocket, where he placed the paper.

" recover what we took..." He murmured to himself.

"What was that?" George's eyebrows raised as his head jutted forward.

"The mermaids. I know what-who they took," Cedric stammered in a rush, looking like he was about to take flight on his two feet.

"You're not making any sense, Mate," I stated.

Cedric shook his head and walked between us, careful not to knock into George or me as he rambled, "It's nothing. Tournament stuff. Can't really discuss it, but I know where Charlotte is!" He turned back around and started jogging towards The Black Lake.


Everyone watched the Black Lake intently for almost an hour. Well, everyone else was watching it, but I was too busy craning my neck to catch any glimpse of Charlotte.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now