New Home

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All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God,

Don't you stop, boy

"You made it!" George said as Fred and I apparated inside the very entrance of an enormous uninhabited shop. The walls wore adorned with countless empty wooden shelves covered in cobwebs and some dust.

In the middle of the room, George stood with his arms stretched out, "Welcome to our joke shop!"

"Wow!" I gaped and turned in place, "This place is huge! I can't wait to see what you guys do with it."

"You're going to love it," Fred smiled as he let go of my hand and walked over to one section of the room, "This is where we're going to put our Skiving Snackboxes, and over here," he pointed before walking over to the other side, "This will be our WonderWitch sections. There will even be a spot for the Pygmy Puffs we're breeding!"

I watched with astonishment as Fred and George saunter proudly around the building as they discussed how they would decorate and organize the shop. Their excitement intensified, and their voices grew louder with every single detail they gave.

"And finally," George pointed at the small section of the wall that was almost towards the back of the building, "This, right here, will be where all the muggle tricks will go. I don't know how well they'll sell, but I can't wait to see Dad's face when he sees them."

"I still think some muggle tricks are important to learn," Fred stated, "We wouldn't have been able to break Harry out of his house all those years ago if I didn't know how to pick a lock."

"Well, aren't you just a man of many talents?" I teased.

"You tell me," Fred simpered with a wink.

George rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated groan, "It's disgusting how you two think everything the other does is adorable."

"It is adorable when you have a face like this," I cooed jokingly, lifting Fred's chin between my fingers and squeezing his cheeks.

"Really?" Fred chuckled but allowed it to happen.

"So, what's that say about me?" George asked, "We are identical after all?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't look good on you," I chaffed.

George looked offended, but Fred laughed as he pulled his face out of my hand, "Sorry, Georgie. It must be hard being the ugly one."

Pointing a finger at his brother, George announced, "You're fired."

"You can't fire me! I'm the co-owner of this place! Damn, it feels so good to say that."

George grinned proudly, "It feels even better to hear out loud. We own this place!"

Both the boys grew eager as they started discussing their plans for the shop again. Watching them put me in a state of pure bliss. I was so proud of them. They've talked about this since 5th year, and now it's happening.

"This is so surreal, innit?" I finally chimed in before hugging them, "I'm so happy for you guys! After all your hard work, your dreams are finally coming true, and I get a front-row seat to watch them unfold for you!"

"Are you really just watching from the front row, though?" Fred smiled.

"Yeah, it's more like you and Angie are supporting roles in our show," George added.

I pretended to be insulted, "Just supporting roles?"

"Don't take it personally, Lettie," George tried to defend.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now