Leaving the House of Black

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and I find it bittersweet,

'Cause you gave me something to lose

"Fred! George!" I cheered as I ran into the living room with Sirius following me.

As soon as we made eye contact, Fred beamed at me and started running towards me. When we collided into each other's arms, he picked me up and spun me around, saying, "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!"

Fred sat me back on my feet just in time for us to see George throw his hands in the air, "Sirius!" He cheered as he ran towards Sirius, mimicking Fred and me.

"George!" Sirius stretched his arms out, ready to play along as George ran into them. George then picked Sirius up and spun him around.

Fred and I laughed at their display before he grinned playfully as an idea struck him. He cupped my face with his hands and turned my gaze back to him before planting a kiss on my lips. It may have helped with the joke, but it was obvious this was a meaningful kiss and would have happened whether George and Sirius were copying us or not.

Still holding each other, George turned to look at Sirius, who lifted a suggestive eyebrow at him, but George simply shrugged before saying, "Sorry, Mate. I'm already spoken for."

Sirius removed himself from George's arms, "All is well. You're not really my type anyway."

Offense formed over George's face that didn't seem entirely fake, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Sirius looked George up and down and stuffed his hands in his pockets, "It's not that you're not dapper and all, but I kind of prefer blondes."

"I can go blonde," George said frantically, "Give me a chance. I can change."

"It's too late," Sirius acted further, "and I must say, begging is very unbecoming of you."

Their little charade ended as we all broke out into a fit of laughter.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked when our laughing ceased, "Not that I'm not happy to see you two, but Hogwarts doesn't get out for another two weeks."

"Right. About that," George started as he stepped back over to Fred.

"We dropped out," He finished the sentence for George.

My jaw dropped, "You did what?"

"I wish I had done that," Sirius chimed in.

"Sirius, this isn't funny!" I turned to him, "Molly is going to be so mad."

"We can handle mum," George interjected.

"Yeah, and before you go worrying," Fred held up a finger, "We already have a place to stay."

My brows furrowed in confusion, "You do? Where?"

"We bought a spot down in Diagon Alley," George grinned, "Y'know, for the joke shop?"

Fred looked at me, "And I've come to fetch you-"

"We!" George interrupted him.

Rolling his eyes, Fred continued, "I'm sorry. We've come to fetch you and bring you to our new home."

Looking at them with aghast, I stumbled on my words, trying to think of something to say, "I—but—how—wait..." As what they said started processing in my brain, a broad smile grew across my face, "You mean... You guys did it? You actually bought a shop!"

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