Screams of Fears

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Cause you are, you are the reason why 

I'm still hanging on.

Cause you are, you are the reason why

my head is still above water.


And if death was comin' for you,

I'd give my life for you.


What he said next shook me to my core, and there was no way I could have prepared for it. George swallowed hard and choked on his words, "He-...He's dead."

End of Recap:

My whole body tensed up; I had to push down the lump in my throat with a swallow to be able to ask, "He what?"

Fred and George looked at me with worry and pain before George said, "I'm so sorry, Lettie. I know you two got pretty close."

I felt like I had shifted into another world. I didn't even realise I had dropped the eggs until I heard them bust on the wooden floors and felt some of the yokes land on my feet.

"Oh, shit," Fred quickly grabbed a rag and started to lean down to clean it up.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as my gaze became blank, "I-I'm sorry. I can clean it."

Fred shook his head, "It's okay. I've got this. How 'bout you go wash up? I'll be up there in a second."

My mind felt blank, "Okay..." As I started to walk away, I turned back to look at George through burning blurry vision, "How did it happen?"

"There was a fight... Voldemort lured Harry to the Ministry with visions of Sirius being tortured. Kreacher tricked him when he tried to figure out if the visions were real. Everyone in The Order went to save Harry and the others," George looked at Fred, " Ron and Ginny were there too."

"Is everyone else okay?" Fred questioned frantically.

George nodded and choked slightly, "Yes, but Bellatrix hit Sirius with a spell, and he fell through the Veil."

I gave George a confused look, "What's the Veil?"

He sighed, "No one's really sure what it does, but one thing is certain: If you go through it, you can't come back...It kills you."

Still feeling like I was off in the distance, all I could get out was, "Okay..."

But what else could I say? My mind was still blank and my body numb, but I forced myself to walk towards the staircase. If I made eye contact with either of them, I knew my tears would fall instantly.

"Charlotte," Fred called out to me.

"I just need a moment," I crocked but picked up my pace as I went up the stairs.

Trying to respect my space, Fred turned to George, and I heard him ask, "How did we not know about the fight?"

"They tried to use the coin, but I left mine here by mistake," George's voice became muffled once I reached the door to mine and Fred's room.

After walking inside, I went to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Leaning my back against it, I took in a deep breath. The sharp pain in my chest tried to force my tears out, but I wiped them quickly before they could fall.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now