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She laughed out at my comment. I don't even understand why I'm doing all these cheesy things. It may sound silly but whenever I'm around her. I want to make her laugh even if it means that I've to say the most cringey line in the world. I'd do that.

"You're... really a good flirt" She chuckled.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I winked at her.

"Okay... now seriously. Why're you here?"

"I told you" I answered.

She raised her eyebrows and Got it. I'll stop this flirting.

"Fine. I came here to ask if you'd like to watch a movie with me?"

A smile kept across her face, she parted her lips and was about to say yes. Then perhaps she remembered something. Her face fell... she looked at me apologetically.

"I-I'd love to... but I gotta go to my part time job-"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I took a leave for you" I said with a proud smile, thinking she'd be happy at my thoughtfulness instead her eyebrows shrinked in frown.

"You what?!" Man she angry. Her eyes squinted in disbelief as she kept her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

"....what's wrong?"
"I... really suggest you. Please... be in your limits, Mr. Christopher. We aren't... that close for you to take decisions for me" She stuttered nervously but angrily.

She was scared of me. She fears me still. Yet, she's showing me anger. Isn't she the cutest?

Her adorable attempt of scolding me really was making me laugh but I held it in. If I laugh, she'll get even more angrier and who knows, she'll start scratching me like an angry little kitten pretending to be a lion.

"I apologize if it upsets you" I gave her my ever most handsome apologetic smile that not one person can resist. With a little hesitation, she nodded.

There was a long silence between us.

"Since you already took a leave... then I guess I don't have much of a choice" her lips straightened in a thin line as she looked at me.

Works like a charm.

"Great. Let's go, shall we?" I offered her my hand and she held it.

             BELLA'S POINT OF VIEW

I don't know why but I still agreed to go out with him after he intentionally or unintentionally showed control over me. His words sounds like command to me and somehow I cannot deny it.

Though, he's been a gentleman to me but still I couldn't help but feel the darkness and dangerous vibe around him. His smile sometimes feel like warning to not defy him anyhow.

Ofcourse it is all just my bad intuitions of him. I may have been overthinking too much because of my trust issues. I just hope that whatever bad intuition I have of him is false. I really do.

He walked towards his car and I followed him, while being lost in my own train of thoughts when suddenly I felt a sharp tug on my left arm and I crashed onto someone's chest hard.

"Are you okay?! That bloody car!" He growled angrily, looking at the car speeding away from us.

Damn its the second time I got saved from car. I really am thinking too much.

"I'm sorry... I didn't see-"

I looked up at Aaron, as his arms was still embracing me inside his huge body. He looked down at me with concerned eyes which melted my heart.
And every bad thought suddenly vanished from my mind... it was just us. My heart fluttered.

His touch felt like fire on my skin burning through my clothes and I melted like a candle wax.

"Be careful. What if something happens to you?" He said. His voice, all of a sudden, sounded vulnerable like... he was afraid of lose me? Or am I just seeing things?

This feeling. I cannot understand this. We met not long ago. What is happening to me?

"You're confusing me, Aaron" the words left my tongue before I could even have a time to register it in my mind. My voice was a low whisper. Perhaps he didn't heard me but then I heard him, sighing.

"So are you, Bella" he whispered in low voice, stroking my hair softly.

He released me from his grip. His embrace was so warm and now I feel kinda... emtpy.

"Don't zone out when you're walking" he warned me with a much serious tone and I nodded.

He held my hand, this time, and led me towards his car. Opening the car door for me, he directed me inside.

After driving for a while.

We reached the movie hall which was surprisingly empty. Like totally empty. Not a single person was there except for those who worked there.

"Um. Why is no one here?" I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders casually.

"No idea. But lucky for us, don't you think?" He smirked.

Yeah but this is a little strange.

Shaking away my thoughts, I sat myself on one of the seats. This movie hall, if I'm right, is rated the best one, isn't it?


I heard a annoyed noise from Aaron who looked uncomfortable sitting on the seats. Shit, I heard he's a hygiene maniac.

"What's wrong?"
"I just... I'm not used to places like this" he pinching his eyebrows, irritated.

"Then... if you're not comfortable. Why did you bring me here?" I asked, confusion written all over my face.

"I thought you'd like it" he looked at me.

These few words hit me like damn rock. Nobody has ever done such a thing to me. I fell short on what to say, how to react.

"I- thanks. That's really thoughtful of you" I smiled appreciatively.

"But if you're not comfortable. Then we should go to a place where you are-"

I was about to get up when he held my wrist in a light but firm grip.

"What's wrong?" I asked and instead of replying, he slowly lead me back to my seat. My eyes never leaving his face.

"Since we're already here. May as well watch the movie first" he smiled at me, turning his focus onto the movie.

"But you-"
"No buts. Focus on the movie" he cut me off.

Things like this is just what I'm afraid of. Happiness. It always cost a huge damn price.

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