Fell in love with a devil

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Aaron's P.O.V.

I lost. I lost to my feelings, to my heart over my mind. Love made me an idiot and perhaps, I always knew it but now I have realized it truly.

The uneasy feeling that something is wrong with her, with Bella. The rush of adrenaline has ended me up here in front of her house, as I fucking drove thought the main gate, breaking apart the two huge gates, alarming every guard present. Reckless, aren't I?

Robert, my assistant, followed closely behind, coming there with the backup. I got off the car, yanking the pistols out of my back pockets and shooting every person in my way. Behind me, Robert gave me 'You're one freaking reckless' look.

My steps weren't backing down no matter how many lots came in front of me with their guns. I was scared but surprisingly not by the firing but the fact that what I'm gonna find in there, or how I'm gonna find her in there. How is she? Is she fine or do I have to burn this whole house down?

Taking large steps towards the door, I kicked it open, stepping inside. "Where's that son of a b*tch?!" I said loudly, only to meet with a pair of foxy green eyes brimming with fear, panic and vulnerability. Her eyes bulged in shock as she saw me.

Her hands trembled in fear, as she sized my blood smeared face and hands. "It can't be..." she mumbled, shooking her head in disbelief.

"If I'm not wrong aren't you his little bitch?" A mocking laugh escaped my lips looking at her fearful face. "Oh my bad. I Shouldn't address my future MOTHER IN LAW like that" I smiled.

"St-Stay away from me! You don't know who I am" she started to back down, towards the table where a pistol was kept.

Shaking my head on that pathetic move, I warned her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you".

She froze in her face as I strode towards her in a few steps, Grabbing a fistful of her hair. "Now, with all due respect.... mother in law would you take me to my precious?" I asked politely. I do have manners, don't I? I don't know why I sound like a sociopath because trust me I'm not.

"S-She... She's downstairs.... in the b-b-basement" she stammered, trying to free herself from my grip. "Please! Leave me" she cried out.

"Not yet, not yet, not yet...." I said in a singy songy way to lighten up her mood perhaps. But for some reasons mother in law got more scared !?

As I walked down the stairs, I saw the thing I hate the most after The scotts, DIRT. Ignoring the dust, I walked down finally standing in front of a rusty locked door. With one swift motion, I kicked open the door, witnessing the scene which clenched my heart and soul.

My Bella, she was laying on the ground. Covered in bruise, dried blood, and sweat. As the sudden ray of light hit her eyes, she twitched open her eyes, trying to accommodate her pupils to look at me. Her dead eyes lit up with hope and my being lit up with bloodlust. Looks like they just signed their death sentences.

"Hello, my love"
"Aaron...?" She said, a warm smile creeping across her lips, she tried to get up but her legs wouldn't quite support her figure.

"Ah-" she squirmed.

Running to her, I held her before she could touch the ground, lifting her weight effortlessly inside my arms. "I've got you... I've got you, love" I cooed her, shaking being.

Her limbs relaxed beneath my touch, as she leaned on my chest seeking the much needed warmth. Now finally, the uneasiness faded away with her in my arms and in that moment I knew what I needed to do. And who I need to protect.

I walked out the room, I heard a pleading voice from the corner. Turning to the sound, I saw Lilith pleading to me with her hands clasped together tightly. "Please... don't take her away...he'll kill me... please" she cried miserably.

"And what makes you think that you'll be quite alive for him to kill you?" I scoffed. She gulped down in fear, shrinking back in an attempt to save herself.

"What a pity that Sebastian dog isn't here...." I walked to her with Bella still asleep in my arms. "But that makes you lucky.... I need you to pass message to him" I said, yanking out the pistol which I was holding up until now.

"The war he started 21 years ago is NOW GONNA END BY US" I gritted my teeth and...


Two loud gunshots followed by a heaven shaking scream from dear mother in law. "how can you be so cruel mother in law... she is not able to walk. How could you be so heartless?" Bella wasn't able to walk on her legs because of her family then how dare mother in law walk? That's not fair. Fortunately I'm here for a fair exchange.

After shooting her both legs, I walked out of the basement, leaving Lilith there screaming her lungs out.

Bella's P.O.V.

As he walked out, I witnessed the gruesome scene of bodies lying everywhere, bloood pooling like a freaking river! He shot Lilith twice in cold blood because I couldn't walk on my own!

He thinks I'm unconscious but I saw everything... Everything that I needed to see and know. I finally understand who AARON CHRISTOPHER really was. A cold blooded murderer. A MONSTER. A DEVIL. And I FELL IN LOVE WITH A DEVIL!

At that moment, I couldn't utter one single word from my mouth. My throat was constricted with fear, it paralyzed my body. It has to be a dream. The dead bodies, the pool of blood, the agonizing screams, the destruction of my house, everything by Aaron. It has to be a dream. He would never do that. Clenching my eyes shut from the reality, I never realized when darkness enveloped me.


"Seeshh" I hissed in pain as something cold stinged my exposed wounds. The slight warm sensation made me frown in my sleep but I was too tired to wake up. But I felt it again, like someone was applying medicine to my broken skin. I pried open my eyes only to find myself in an unfamiliar place, laying on my side as someone applied medicine on my bare back. My muscles tensed up suddenly but suddenly I felt a strong hold on my arm, holding me in place.

"Don't move" his voice familiar as crystal.

My body jumped in fear as I sat upright on bed, looking at the person before my eyes with fear that I never felt before. Aaron. The man who made me feel safe once, now scared me. And then it came back... everything. The blood, the destruction. It wasn't a dream. He killed them all !

"Why did you get up sweetheart? I told you not to move, didn't I?" He reached out to me but I shrinked back, looking at him with my bulged out horrified vision.

"Y-You..." pulling myself away from his reach, I got off the bed putting as much as distance I could put between us. "You... You murderer!" I said, my trembling finger instinctively pointing at him.

He sighed and walked towards me as I backed off in fear. "Y-You shot her!! You killed so many people?!" And then it hit me. Max... "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!!" I screamed at his face.

"Baby... calm down" he said softly.

"Where's my brother?! What did you do?! I WANNA SEE HIM!!" I attempted to run away but he held my shoulder in a firm grip and slammed me on the wall.

"LEAVE ME!! LET ME GO YOU MURDERED!!!" I threw my fists at him but he didn't budged even a little. Thrashing inside his hold, I used all my strength to break myself free but his hold only tightened on me.

"LET GO OFF ME!!" I screamed loudly, defeated with my useless attempts. I slumped against the wall but his expression didn't changed.

"Are you done?" He clenched his jaw, looking down at my defeated figure. Yes I was done. I felt defeated, betrayed.... I thought he was good person despite all those rumors about him being manipulative, psychotic and dangerous. I chose to believe otherwise but my trust, my hope only ended me here, defeated against the monsters. AGAIN.

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