Dead end

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-Author's P.O.V.

Aaron walked out of his mansion, sitting inside his car unknown about the fact that the love of his life is gonna leave him and chances is, she'll never come back.

He thought he persuaded her, made her believe even a small ounce, or at the very least-he just believed that the love that they shared was much stronger, no matter what misunderstanding is thrown in their way. He was naive, naive to believe in her love, in her belief and his belief, was now gonna turn their lives in a whole new direction or perhaps DEAD END.

The engine roared to life as he applied the keys, while dialing Alfredo's number-the culprit of the huge storm coming in their way. The mess he created this time was too much, its gonna leave a huge impact on their lives and perhaps leave a permanent scar.

Last night, After Bella finally stopped crying. Aaron went back to his room to retrieve his phone and call Alfredo but to his bad luck, he couldn't reach him. Alfredo's phone was switched off and Aaron was apprehensive to leave Bella alone, afraid she'd do something to herself in grief.

Now, that she looked a sliver better than before, he decided to confront Alfredo head on. Everything he kept on hold has to be dealt, and it has to be now. No matter what the outcome may come and how much it'll break him from inside, Aaron had to deal with this soon as possible and that is why he was heading to Alfredo's.


Glancing at his phone once, his already frowned forehead crowed with more line. Blood rushed through his veins, faster than usual, at the reminder of Alfredo killing a small kid for revenge.

He pressed the answer key, and bringing the phone closed to his ear, he growled angrily, "What the fuck, Alf?!"

"He-ll-hello" the voice came tattered due to the bad signal over his end of the line.

"How could you do this?!" He shouted but the signal wouldn't allow one word to reach his ear properly.

"I don't understand a word you're saying!" Alfredo, who was driving his car to somewhere, shouted over the phone.

"Alfredo?!" He shouted again but nothing, and the next second Alfredo hung up on him or the signal went dead itself. Aaron muttered a series of curses under his breath, pinching his eyebrow in frustration.

Meanwhile, Alfredo was driving his car through a road, covered in tall trees on both sides. The place had a bad signal and was mostly abandoned but he drove through here anyway because of the heavy traffic in his usual way.

After the forest was starting to become sparse, he pulled over his car to the side. Dialing Aaron's number, he leaned over the door waiting for him to answer now. The signal was much better here.

He answered the call within the second ring, a tone of anger visible in his voice but Alfredo brushed it off.

"Hello Aaron- what were you saying?" He asked but didn't gave him time to answer before he spoke again, "Actually you know what, Don't"


"I'm on your way to your house" He said, strucking his intire conscience with lightening. Shock made his mouth paralyzed."we'll talk there" he added, hanging up the call.


He turned the damn car around without giving a second thought, and pressed on the accelerator with all his might-desperate to reach back home before he does. The car roared with the sudden intensity of speed-


-And crashed against a truck coming at him from sideways and crumbled everything into dust. Every hope. Every dream. It crumbled Aaron-Bella's story.

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