Being Selfish

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Author's P.O.V.

                 -At Aaron's side-

After having lunch together, Aaron took Bella to a special place which was a suprise he planned for her. After a long drive, he stopped the car and got off. He went to open the car door for Bella.

"Now close your eyes and come out" he said.

"I insist" he said, she sighed and closed her eyes. Aaron took her hand and helped her out of the car. He held her by her shoulders, leading her to somewhere.

"Now open your eyes" he said.

Bella slowly opened her eyes and before her was the same beach house where they spent their first night together. The same place where they shared their most magical moments before everything went downhill. The path to his house was decorated with roses and fairy lights. 

"Let's go inside" Aaron hands brushed past her shoulder, and held her hand inside his. The moment Bella went inside, she was astonished. The whole living room was filled with her paintings which Aaron made for her. It was like every moment they spent together was captured in Aaron's eyes and he turned them into beautiful paintings.

"Oh my God... that's me?" She covered her mouth with both her hands as she looked at one of the pictures. Bella couldn't believe it was her because she never saw herself like that. The Bella in the painting was 100 times prettier than how Bella imagined herself. She always thought she looked pathetic and weak but Aaron's painting had a different Bella in it, The Bella who's strong, compassionate and kind. Someone who has scars and survived a battle that most wouldn't. Her eyes had a shine which could make anyone's life brighter, which could beat any darkness.

"Yes, my love" Aaron said, placing a soft kiss on her hand which he was holding.

Bella turned to him, her eyes welling up to the brim, "You did... all this.. for me?"

"I did this for both of you" he looked down, placing his hand on her belly, "I wanted to make you happy" he smiled, looking in her eyes. She reached out, cupping his neck with both her hands as she locked eyes with him, their foreheads brushing against each other.

"I'm scared" she whispered under her breath, he cupped her face, pressing a kiss on her forehead, "I'll protect you with my life" he whispered against her forehead.

Bella smiled and placed her lips on his, pulling him in a soft lingering kiss. Aaron was stunned at first but he kissed her back. He wrapped his hand around his waist, pulling her body flushed against his. He smiled against her lips as she did the same. For the first time in weeks did she kissed him like she meant it... it wasn't forced or hesitant... it was out of love which made his heart flutter with happiness after so long.This kiss was exactly like the kiss in the past.... when everything was normal and happy... they were in love and that's it. Nothing else mattered.Bella parted his lips from hers, leaning her forehead against his.... she took deep breaths, lifting her eyelashes just enough to look in his eyes.

"I...I-" she wanted to say that she loved him despite everything that happened which would make her selfish but...she wanted to be happy and her happiness was with him. Her heart kept screaming at her to confess her feelings but the words couldn't leave her mouth.. a lot of things were holding her back.

Aaron placed his index finger on her lips, "You don't have to say it.."He said running his hand through her hair, stroking her scalp reassuringly.

She closed her eyes for a second. Even after everything, she couldn't bring herself to doubt Aaron. He was the embodiment of love for her and she wanted to take the risk and be selfish for the last time.

"I want to... say it... because.. I love you Aaron.. I always did." She continued, "I want to be selfish enough to love you again the way I always did"

"I cannot even began to explain how much I love you.." He kissed her again, holding her face in his hands... she smiled against his lips as a tear of happiness fell from her eyes.

Later They were walking along the side of the beach.... the slow waves of water hitting their feets, brushing against their skin softly as they walked together.Their hands locked together, Aaron stroked her hand with his thumb softly as he held her hand...he walked her to a place.

"Where're we going now?" She asked as she followed him. He lead her to the back of his house where he decorated the whole area around the trees with beautiful lights and candles. Bella was in awe of how beautiful the whole arrangement was.

"This is.." she turned to Aaron and a loud gasp escaped her lips when she saw Aaron kneeling before her. The great Aaron Christopher who never knelt before anyone was kneeling in front of the love of his life.

He pulled out a ring from his pocket, "this ring has been with me since we started going out" he opened the lid, revealing a shiny diamond ring, "my whole life, I've never been more sure about anything other than being with you" he held out her ring, "and I kept waiting for the right time but couldn't find it. And now I don't care about the right time anymore. Whatever life there's left, I want to spend it with you Bella. I want to be your husband and your baby's father" he took a deep breath, "I love you Bella Josephine. Always have. Always will if you let me?"

Bella's eyes welled up... she fell on her knees too, covering her face she started sobbing, "I don't- I don't deserve this... I don't..." she stuttered, "I.... was r@ped... I.. I'm pregnant... with someone else's... child... how could I?" She cried, holding her belly.

He cupped her face, wiping her tears with his thumb, "Doesn't make my love for you any lesser, baby" He smiled reassuringly, "You don't have to answer me now. Just let me take care of you in the meantime" he kissed her forehead.

"Aaron I-"


"Your phone"
"Ignore it" Aaron said, "nothing important" his phone buzzed again.

"It could be important"

Aaron sighed, pulling out his phone... he was just about to answer when his eyes fell on something behind the trees. Suddenly..


A loud gunshot echoed in the whole area followed by Bella's scream. She opened her eyes slowly, realizing she was wrapped around by Aaron's body, she gasped when she saw Aaron who was groaning in pain. His right arm bleeding with the hit of the bullet. He shielded her with his body before the bullet could hit her and instead it hit his right arm.

"OH MY GOD AARON!" Her eyes widened, seeing the blood pooling around his arm, drenching his white shirt.

He took a deep breaths, holding his bleeding hand... but when he opened his eyes, his concern for her over took his pain."Are you okay?! You.. You aren't hurt.. right?" He asked while frantically looking at her body to see if she is hurt.

"I'm fine but you-"

"WE NEED TO HIDE" Aaron said.

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