I'm the big brother

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-Alfredo's P.O.V.

"You're welcome" I forced out all those heartless words because I wanted her to fear me. I wanted her to feel the same despair, the same helplessness, the same hopelessness that I felt when I saw my family getting crushed under the greed of her father.

But I never wanted her to feel that. The second I found out that its her, the daughter of the person I've hated more than I've lived, The only word came in my mind was 'why her', 'why did it have to be her?'. But it had. She was a lost cause, I reminded myself before I killed her brother.

I buried the merciful side of me as deep as I could. I can't be softhearted, its a weakness. It wasn't the time to feel bad for the person who made me suffer when I could've had a normal life. No! I can't. I hate her. I only feel bad for my brother who got betrayed by her! He'll be broken once he knows her identity and that is why I'm feeling bad. No other reason. No other reason must be there. Under any cost.

Pushing off to my feet, I strode out off the room before the flame of humanity inside me burned brighter seeing her innocent, helpless face."Max..." I heard her loud yelp, the cry she suppressed until now bursted out and it made my heart clench so tight, I couldn't breath. Her every miserable tear was making me question everything I put in line for this revenge. Why does her cry affects me? I'm doing for mom and dad, I reminded myself again, shrugging off every absurd thought and questions.


Exhaling a rough breath, I yanked out my phone, bringing the phone to my ear after pressing the answer option.


A few words.
And my world stopped spinning.

The weight of the phone was too much for me to hold, so it slipped away the same way the ground slipped away from beneath my foot.

"Aaron?!" I mumbled, the shock still acting in my throat, cutting off my voice and breath.

Everything was blur as I sprinted inside the hospital corridor, looking for my brother who was hanging between life and death. I don't even remember how I got here, everything is hazzy. I stumbled across the crowd, running like a madman then my steps came to a halt as I saw my little brother.

He was on the stretcher, covered in blood, his eyes barely opened as it threatened to shut down any moment. A couple of nurses wheeled away the stretcher, to the 0.T. his head was wrapped with a white cloth to hold the bleeding, and it was drenced red in blood.

I ran to him, holding his hand as the nurses wheeled him through the corridor. He struggled to open his eyes to look at me and I struggled to breath. Seeing him like that, felt like someone was yanking out my heart from my chest while I could only see, helplessly.

"You'll be fine..." I whispered.

He whispered something weakly (Don't hurt her) which I couldn't understand so I nodded along. The door of the 0.T. closed as he went inside and I was left outside, with my heart tearing apart.

I felt a long drop of tear rolled down my cheek, as I stared at the closed door. My brother, I raised him since he was a kid, I've watched him growing into the person I aspired him to be. And, now looking at him, the fear of losing my family again came rushing back. I can't lose him. I can't.

With sorrow came rage. Whoever did this JUST. SIGNED. THEIR. DEATH. SENTENCE.

"I promise you, Aaron. Whoever did this to you, I'll crush him against the very sole of my shoe" I gritted out.

Hours passed, as I sat outside the O.T. waiting for news. Any news. Every second felt like the death of me, the more it passed the more I was closer of losing my sanity. What the hell is taking so long?!

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