My 'good daughter'

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                   -later that night-

At Bella's home. She was having dinner with her excuse of a family. Her father sat on the head of the family chair as he chewed his food silently. Her step mother, Lilith sat just across him, Max and Bella sat opposite to each other with their head hung down.

Though they rarely have dinner together, today Sebastian especially called them to have dinner together. Perhaps, he wanted to say something. Yet he had not said a single word this whole time.

"Bella" his stern voice resounded in the dead silence.

"Y-Yes dad?" She looked up at him but he wasn't looking at her. He never glanced at his daughter properly. His behavior felt like he was disgusted by her face for some reasons which breaks her heart every time.

"You're going on a date tomorrow" he commanded. There was no discussion. It was a straight order. Like he always did. The word consent was an alien to him.

"I told you before-"
"I-I said I don't want to go" she cut him off and he lifted his eyes, glaring at her horribly.

"And I, too, said You have to go. I DID NOT ASK" He emphasized every words slowly.

"I don't want to get marry now!" She cried out.


He banged his hand on the table loudly, making her flinch terribly. Disobedience is something he never tolerated, even a little.

"You're going to marry him because I WANT YOU TO. I raised you and YOU WILL DO EXACTLY AS I SAY" he shouted at her.

She gritted her teeth as thousands of thoughs ran in her mind. He was never there for her when she needed her dad. Not even when her mother died. He wasn't there, and now suddenly he wants to claim his right on her as a father.

"Dad! She-" Max tired to retort.
"Not a word" he cut him off.

He pushed back the chair, getting up.

"I don't wish any further arguments. Get that scraped in your mind" he said, walking away, refusing to hear any disagreements here after.

A painful lump formed in her throat, she clenched her fist tightly until her hand started shivering.

"You're getting way too much than you deserve. So take it and leave" Lilith, her step mother, spat venomously.

"Mom!" Max shouted.
"Don't meddle in this Max. And don't you dare try to interrupt your father again" she scolded him.

Max clenched his fist. He always felt so helpless whenever it comes to his sister. His father was way too harsh on her and he could never do anything because if he gets mad, he pours all his anger on her even if its his mistake.

She got up from her chair, running upstairs to her room. Max followed her... he held her wrist and stopped before she could lock herself in.

"Bella... I-I'm sorry" His voice guilty.

"Don't be... You know how he is. If you've said something... his anger would only get worse" She forced a smile.

"Sis... if you don't want to go then don't. I'll talk to dad... I-"

"Max... don't worry. I'll be fine. But now... I really need to be left alone"

He wrapped his arms around, pulling her in a comforting hug before he walked away from there.. leaving her alone.

             -Next day, at evening-

Bella got dressed up for the forced date. She wore a black dress which reached down to her knees and an extremely little makeup.

She knew talking to Sebastian wasn't a solution, he'd never listen to her. She thought she'd politely tell that guy that she doesn't want to marry now, maybe he'll understand.

She walked down the stairs, putting her stuff inside her handbag when her father suddenly stopped her. He stood in front of her, his face had an viscous smirk plastered.

"The driver will escort you to the place. My 'good daughter' " the sarcasm in his voice made her heart clench in pain.

Looking at him now, she doesn't even remember that man who brought her gifts, and called her 'his princess'. He changed so fast and so much.

"Beautiful" he smirked, continuing "Now remember my words BEHAVE" he commanded.

She nodded, forcing a smile at him. Slinging the handbag on her shoulder, she walked out of there as soon as she could.

She sat inside the car, exhaling a deep shaky breath as the driver started the car.

Soon she reached the place. It was a huge, lavishing restaurant, perhaps one of the bests in Manhattan.

As soon as she walked through the door, one of the attendant rushed over to her.

"Are you Miss Josephine?" She asked cheerfully.

"Yes" she frowned in confusion. They even recognized her face. Her father really did his work.

"Let me escort you. Please follow me, ma'am" she said with a polite smile, gesturing with her hand to follow her to one of the private eating rooms.

                      Bella's POV

This place sure was crazy expensive. But, it still doesn't holds a candle to where I had my date with Aaron. Damn what am I thinking?!

I shaked off my thoughts, following the attendant silently. She stopped in one the private rooms, holding the handle, she opened the door for me.

Dunno what kind of a man he is. Will he agree to call off this arranged wedding? God.. my throat feels dry because of nervousness.

I walked inside as the attendant closed the door behind me. My eyes fell on a man, dressed in an expensive black tux. He stood near the window, swirling the glass of whiskey in his hand as he looked outside of the huge glass window.

"Hello....?" I said in a low voice.

On my call, he turned around to look at me. And he's quite handsome... but Aaron's more handsome- Wait! What? Stop it Bella.

"Miss Bella Josephine?" He addressed me as politely as he smiled.

"And you must be Mr. St. John" I tried to hide my nervousness through my smile. He smirked, walking towards me.

"Call me Massimo" he held my hand gently, brushing his lips against my knuckles in a soft kiss as his eyes kept fixated on me.

"Oh.. S-Sure" I pulled back my hand, feeling extremely uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Please make yourself comfortable" he guided me to the seat, pulling out the chair for me like a gentleman.

"Thank you" I smiled, looking down. Though I wasn't looking at him but I could feel his gaze on me. All the time. Observing my every movement.


Hey y'all. I don't know if you noticed but I'm trying to update almost daily  because I've got a bit time to finally focus on here.

And I know my writing skills are a little shitty so please bear with it. I'm still learning. Those who do read this story. Thank you for your support <3

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