Falling for me

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              Aaron's point of view

That seemed oddly unsettling.

She looked uncomfortable and sophisticated in here, her face said enough.

"Are you not feeling well?" I frowned.

She lifted her eyelids to look at me. Her brows slightly furrowed, she wetted her lower lip before speaking.

"What... No... its actually.. I'm not really used to places like this" huh. well, that's unheard of. I thought women liked expensive shiny stuff, the more expensive the more better, don't they?

She made an apologetic face with a forced smile. Oh hell no.

"Is that so? I apologize I should've asked before I br-"

"No.. its really okay. I like this place. Thank you Aaron" she smiled.

Would I be exaggerating if I say that she has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. It would, wouldn't it?

A while later....
The food arrived. The waitresses placed the plate in front of us, lifting the lid, the heavenly scent of the food reached my nostrils. This place is expensive for a reason.

But I was in no mood to eat. Why?

Because I had a hard time tearing my gaze away from the woman sitting in front of me. She had already started eating her food.

"Mmm... that's delicious" she delighted.

My eyes were on hers this whole time and her satisfied face made me smile.

"Couldn't agree more" I replied looking at her lips.

She took a small bite to her mouth, capturing the food with her lips, the moistness of her mouth meltens the food. She licked the inside of her lips in a slow manner. She held a napkin to her lips dabbing the side of her plumpy red lips.
Wow... my whole mouth just watered.

Maybe she felt the heaviness of my gaze. She stiffened and lifted her eyes to meet mine and I was still gazing at her. Her lips were slightly parted making my throat dry. I gulped down and cleared my throat.

"What?" Her brows furrowed forming lines on her forehand.

"Nothing. By all means... carry on" I smirked at her, flirting with my eyes if she even understood that.

"Is something on my face?" She asked.

Before I could answer her, she hastily grabbed a napkin dabbing the corner of her lips, licking her lower lips slightly.
Damn it. Stop doing that woman.

I exhaled a deep breath to regain my composure. She looked at me concerned.

"Are you ok??" She raised her eyebrows.

"Mhm. I'm just fine, love" I said as my usual smile was back on.

She looked at me, frowning a little then her eyes darted down on the untouched food on my platter.

"You sure? Why aren't you... eating anything?" She cocked her head to the side.

Because I want to eat you SO BAD.

"I'm just not hungry, love."
"....okay" she said after a long pause.


After having dinner.
Correction, after her having dinner.

We walked out of the restaurant. My hand placed on the small of her back leading her towards my car.

She exhaled a deep breath and turned to me as we approached the car.

"That was really nice, I had a great time" her lips crooked in a shy smile. Ooohh blushing already? I see I've made headway.

"I'm glad..." my lips straightened in a thin line as I continued. "...well I was hoping if you would like to accompany me to a place?"

She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Where?" She shot an eyebrow up that made me chuckle.

I pretend to think deeply before speaking like I was actually thinking where we're going to go.

"You'll see" as I always says. I like surprises.

Her lips formed a small pout and... she looks so much relaxed with me now. That made my heart feel warm.

The breeze was blowing her long brunette hair on her face. She tucked her hair but it again flew on her face, she rolled her eyes and then burst into laughter, so did I.

I stretched out my hand, grazing her forehead going to her hair strands and then pushing them aside.

"There, there... all good now" I smirked.

She touched her hair with her fingertips and then looked at me with a half smile on her face.

"My hair.. oh thank you" she tucked her hair strand behind again. I could sense the nervousness seeping through her skin whenever our body makes slightest contact. She's too intimidated by me. Too intimidated for her own good.

"So would you?" I asked her again and she nodded slightly after a long pause.

"I'd love to"
"Lovely. Let's go" I held her hand, leading her back in the car.

After  a short drive...

We reached at a isolated place. This place has the most beautiful view of the city and the tranquility and calmness gives me peace. I wouldn't mind showing her.

I held her hand leading her towards the edge of the plane where the view was magnificent. The whole city was visible from here shining in front of our eyes.

"Wow.... its... its beautiful" she exclaimed.

Her eyes sparkled at the sight in front of her. She was just like a little kid who got to see the merry go ride for the first time. Her smile made me smile which was very weird for me... but it felt nice.

She walked closer to the edge only to trip on a small rock. She was about to fell down when I held her waist firmly preventing her from falling down. She weighed nothing in my arms. She gripped my coat in her small fist, her eyes clenched shut in fear as he body leaned on me completely and clumsily.

"Easy, love" I said softly making her aware of the position she's in. She opened her eyes slowly looking at me like a small kitten.

She didn't move neither did I.

Her eyes never leaving mine. Her soft plumpy lips slightly parted as she gazed at me while being inside my very arms.

"Are you falling for me, love?" I smirked making her blush hard.

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