Goodbye, Alfredo

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Aaron's P.O.V.

"I SAID STOP!" He screamed at my face, his eyes blood red glaring at me. He's in pain, he's in so much pain that he, Alfredo Christopher, lashed out at me. It aches me to see him like this but I know he deserves this pain. I must not feel bad for him, I must not.

"Hands. Off." I warned him and his hold loosened gradually.

He sighed, gulping down the last ounce of shame he had in him and looked straight in my eyes when he said the words that even a shameless person would think twice to say.

"That baby is mine. And you know very well, little brother...." he took a pause, squinting his eyes at me, "If I want something, I'll take it. And nothing, absolutely nothing will stand in my way"

His determination shocked me more than it scared me. Shocked on the fact that I never really knew who he was. I never saw past his facade of protective big brother and now that I did, I feel nothing but betrayal pooling in my gut.

"What has happened to you?" I said, still in disbelief, "how could you've fallen so low?"

He stood there unflinching to any of my words, not answering, not reacting to anything. I wasn't sure before but I am now that he finally lost the last shred of humanity he had in him.

Clenching my teeth, I said the words I never thought I'd say, "Mom would be ashamed of you"

Before I knew it, he grabbed my collar, slamming me on the metal bar gate, my head collided against the metal, knocking my sense over for a second before I pulled myself together.


His reaction made me chuckle bitterly. He's even sensitive to mentioning our mother when he himself killed someone's family out of spite.

"Do it. I dare you, Alfredo Romanoff" I scraped his wounds with a knife and it hurt me as much as him. His hands which held my collar started shaking as his eyes filled with tears to the brim.

"You don't have the guts. I know you, big brother... Behind this facade of powerful, rich, merciless mafia- there's that 'little boy' who's still afraid of abandonment, fear of being left alone" I grabbed his hand which held my collar, "You never tried to love anyone after that incident because you know you can't take the pain that comes along with it" I jerked away his hand, after pounding on his weakest nerves.

He stood there, hands shivering, eyes red in anger and pain as a long tear drop rolled down his face, he said, "You're right.. You're right. I can't take that pain. I should've never loved you, cared for you, raised you. I shouldn't have made you the person that you are now" his voice shaking as he continued, "I should've LEFT YOU TO DIE THAT DAY"  And with that sentence, our family ENDED FOR GOOD.

I felt a tear drop threatening to fall down as I stared at him, knowing the fact that we broke each other with our words. Our brotherhood turned to dust, damaged to the point it could never be undone.

"Goodbye, Alfredo. Hope I never see your face again" I said.

He chuckled sadly, "the next time we see each other, its either gonna be me or you who walks out alive"

"Sounds like a deal" I smiled bitterly as I saw him turning around and walking away. He wasn't just walking away, he walked away from the family we fought so hard for. A part of me screamed at me to stop him and talk sense to him, fix it somehow but it wasn't possible. He was far gone to be brought back and ironically he would never take me down with him because of his promise to mother. As he walked away from me, I saw my past self running towards him, the little aaron who loves his big brother more than anyone, holding his hand, trying to stop him, or persuade him to take me with him but he doesnt listen, he just walks away. talk about abandonment issues? he isn't the only one with it. we are brothers after all. Its funny how long it takes to become a family and so little to rip it apart.

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