I can't live anymore

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               [TRIGGER WARNING]

Bella's P.O.V.

I was consumed. Consumed in his burning hatred for me. His eyes screamed at me, telling me how much it wants to see me destroyed into pieces and how my misery will satisfy every cell inside his body.

I couldn't look at him, as he violently held me against my will, screaming something in my face. I couldn't hear, everything became fazed, distorted, unfocused, and all I could hear was my blood rushing into my head, hurting my ear with pressure of it.

"It.. hurts..." I managed to blurt out the words, feeling warm liquid gushing down my eyes without my knowledge.

"It still doesn't compare to mine" he gritted the words out with such venomous hatred, it snapped something in my head.

Using every ounce of my strength, I pushed him away and made a run to the door, only to find that it was locked.

"HELP!! SOMEBODY HELPPP!!" I screamed, banging my head against the hard wood. Pain shot through my bruised hand but I kept banging my hand against the door, hoping someone, anyone could help me.

I felt my heart jump out of its cavity, as a shadow towered behind me. His hand pressed against the door above me, as he creeped closer until the only sound I could hear was his breathing, and my racing heartbreat.

"Scream" He said, "Scream your lungs out, love" His breath hit the shell of my ear, making my whole body shiver violently in fear.

The next few seconds felt like a haze, my feets moving away from him, in any direction it could. Him slowly walking towards me, as I shaked my head, begging him.

"No... Alfredo.. don't..." My feets moved backward, "Please don't.. don't do this to me..." I begged him but he didn't hear me, he walked towards me slowly and painfully letting me fathom the most unimaginable punishment he's gonna give me for the crime I never committed.

"You deserve it" He said, and I was pushed down on the bed as he hovered over me like an animal, pinning my both hands down.

"LET ME GOO!!!" I screamed, thrashing my legs around. "LEAVE ME YOU MONSTER!!!" I screamed in his face, as my knee made contact with his abdomen. The sudden kick, made him groan but his hold didn't loosen.

His jaw clenched tightly, pupils turning darker and the next thing I knew, he slapped me across the face with the back of his hand that my head collided against the headboard, numbing all my nerves all together with the sheer pain roaring through my head.

My mind couldn't process anything apart from the pain shooting through my head, blurring my vision, and the stinging sensation of his slap. My head started spinning, everything looked unfocused, voice became distant.

"STAY STILL, YOU BITCH" He roared at my face.

And in one swift moment, he teared every piece of my clothes into shreds.

"NOOOO!!!" I thrashed my legs as he tied my hands with the headboard, I screamed, I tried to break away from his hold but nothing worked. He tore apart the last shred of my dignity with his bare hands, he ripped me off of my innocence.

"Please...." My strength gave up, and only begging seemed the option to save my dignity, "I... I beg you..." I clenched my eyes close, shame and disgust washing over my being, "Please don't... don't ruin me..." I sobbed.

His eyes softened for a split second, one hand loosened from my arms, moving towards my face. Tucking away the hair sticking on my face, he caressed my face, "My mother... must have begged too... to your father to let her go..." His dark eyes burned again with hatred, "But you father didn't let her go, did he? Then why should I?" He gritted out the words, grabbing a fistful of my hair, yanking my face up.

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