Back to Manhattan

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With every ounce of happiness, comes a price. You cannot love someone if you can't bear the pain that comes with it.

On the quite highway, the road stretching as far as the eyes could see. The city twinkling like a jewellery box as the sun sinks down in the ocean. Aaron stood there, leaning on his car, with his arms crossed. The chilling wind grazing his face softly, his black hair blowing with the soft rhythm of breeze.

The clock was ticking, he could hear every second of it, still he couldn't do anything or perhaps he wasn't even sure if he wanted to. Yes, he loved her. He wanted to built a life with her but was it worth it? Was this girl, who he only known for a while, worth betraying his brother for?

Who knows she's just like his dad... blood after all never changes itself. She's bound to show her true self one day because she's from the Scott family. Who's to know she's different? That she's really how she shows herself to be? That she's really kind, generous, virtuous, ambitious, courageous and full of light? Who's to say that it wasn't a facade and she's just like her traitorous snake of a father?

The crescent moon ascended the sky, lighting the dark roads with its pale moonlight. It was night and he was still there. The dilemma he was fighting inside his head was more hard than any fight he had. If he tried to save her, this city will burn with Alfredo's hatred.

He yanked out his phone, when he realized that Bella hadn't tried to contact him even once which was weird. She'd always ask him if he had reached home safely but there was no call or messages from her. Habit got the best of him, and he dialed her number without thinking but it was switched off.

He ringed again and again, a weird intuition creeping in his gut as her number was unavailable all of a sudden. Thankfully, he had her home landline number.

He called and after two ring, a woman picked up the call. "Hello?" Her voice was raspy and arrogant.

His jaw clenched as he assumed that it must be his so called wife. Every one of the Scott family members boiled his blood, let alone talking to one. "Is Bella there?" His voice stern, with hatred and warning spilling from his tone.

Meanwhile Lilith guessed that he was Bella's rich and powerful boyfriend which Sebastian was talking about. She could sense the danger from him over the phone. His voice was enough to scare her to the point her hand tightened around the landline.

"S-She's not here r-right now..." she stammered nervously.

"Why isn't she answering her phone?!" He roared in anger, his anger knowing no limits, immediately popped out the veins on his forehead.

"I.. I.. don't know" her voice shakened in fear when she heard his horribly angry voice. She slammed the phone down, cutting the line.

toot... toot...

A disbelieving scoff escaped her lips as the phone hung up suddenly, he glared at the phone in his hand. He knew something was wrong in her house, something always troubled her but she never said. And now her sudden disappearance and Mrs. Scott's nervous way of talking was enough to awaken his suspicion.

"Bloody hell!" He cursed, sitting back inside his car and turning the key. He pressed on the accelerator, driving as fast as he could.

-In Los Angeles-

Los Angeles, the city of angels we say. But in truth, is crawling with demons lurking around in the dark. The illuminating city which comes alive every night shined brighter during the dark.

Outside LAX, the International Airport of Los Angeles, A black Lamborghini waited for someone's arrival patiently. Sebastian walked outside and was immediately escorted to the car and helped with his bags.

The car drove him to the outskirts of the city, where stood the literal castle of the Devil. The whole place was decorated with royal colors, gothic themes and antique sculptures like some sort of king lived there.

He walked inside the castle, escorted to the huge living room. He sat himself on the sofa as he waited for someone of great importance. After a minute or so,
A deep, throaty voice echoed in the vast living room.

"What a delight to see you again, mate" he smirked, as his footsteps drew closer. Sebastian rose from his seat, as he walked and sat on his king like chair opposite of him.

"Its been long..." Sebastian weighed his every words in front of him.

"What brought you here?" Azrael, The Azrael Lancaster, said crossing his legs above other. A welcoming smile plastered on his face as he waited patiently, for his reason to come here, to surface.

"After ages.... I saw your pathetic face again" he scoffed humorously. Sebastian's jaw clenched tightly as he forced a smile and stayed silent. He wouldn't dare to say anything against him.

Azrael laughed out looking at his stiffened face. "I was kidding, Scotty" He said, and Sebastian too shared a laugh.

"Aren't you the same..?" He said, sitting back down as the servant brought the drinks.

"Ah, here comes the good stuff" he said in delight, as he poured himself his finest whiskey. Sebastian nodded as he realized he's preference changed not one bit.

"I see you're still fond of whiskey"
"Well, it doesn't losses its touch" he stood up from his seat, offering one glass to him.

"Thank you" he accepted it politely, taking a sip of it.

"Now, would you like to venture your surprise visit Scott" Azrael eyed him, as he stood leaning on the piano placed in the living room. "Not every time my guards and cars are ready to escort you" he warned with subtlety.

"I apologize, my sudden vision must be surprising but the matter was rather pressing" his tone turning serious again.

"Oh, do tell" he raised his eyebrows, taking another sip.

"There's a person, or maybe more... who's trying to get his hands on you" he said only to meet with Azrael's snort of a laugh. Perhaps amused or he found the little revelation cute.

"Then I'd love to know how far they've gone" he mocked, laughing under his breath, clearing laughing at Sebastian's concert on trivial things.

"As much as you find this amusing, I assure you its not" he tried to explain the dept of the matter.

"Whatsoever. You could've informed over a mere call. What's the need to come all the way over here?" His temper losing, impatient with the slow conversation. Perhaps, he knew what was coming which he expected a long time ago.

"Because you've to come BACK TO MANHATTAN" Sebastian said.

Azrael's smile faded slowly, gulping down the bitter taste of whiskey in one go. He mumbled under his breath, not sure if its the correct thing to do. "Back to Manhattan?"

"Yes. I wouldn't have came all the way here if it wasn't something serious. I cannot deal with them alone, Mr. Lancaster" he pleaded as he continued. "And there's a high cha-"


Sebastian hung up the call without seeing who it was, and turned his attention back to the conversation but the phone started ringing again.

Azrael rolled his eyes, exhaling a frustrated puff of breath. "For heaven's sake, Attend the call and continue. Your horrendous ringtone hurts my ear" He said, massaging his temple roughly with his index and thumb finger.

He nodded apologetically before walking out of the living room. He pressed the answer button and roared in anger. "Was I not clear enough that I didn't want any kind of disturbance?!" He shouted at her.

His horrible voice echoed in the empty hallway but Lilith was least concerned about his wrath right now. "Its important!" She squealed in fear. "The guy you told me about... The one Bella's dating. I think he's suspicious of us" She said.

"Suspicious of what?"
"That we're doing something wrong to her!" she spoke out loud only to meet with a long silence from the other end.

"You and Bella need to leave that place" he spoke, breaking the intimidated silence. "That place is not safe" he added.

"Wh-What?!" She stuttered.
"LEAVE and you know what to do next. NOW HURRY" he warned her, and hung up the phone leaving her stunned.

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