Someone I like

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                    -Author's POV-

He couldn't tear his gaze away from the woman in front of her. He heard from his dad that the girl he chose was exceptionally beautiful, which he now knew, was true.

Her long brunette hair cascaded down her shoulders, eyes deep as an ocean, her smile was enough to melt any man's heart.

Massimo sat there, his legs crossed and hand resting on the table, as he gazed at her with a subtle smile on his face.

"I've heard a lot about you" he said, catching her off guard.

"Oh.. I'm flattered?" she stammered nervously.

"You should be.. looking at you, I must say I heard nothing false" he added with a playful tone. She chuckled softly at his remark.

"I heard great things about you too" She said, just to be polite, though she heard that he's a playboy, a womanizer and a perfect dickhead.

"Really? That's strange" he raised his eyebrows. She frowned as he continued ".....cause I'm dick." He added casually.

"Pardon...?" She squinted her eyes.
"I meant, that's what most people thinks. I hope not you too... do you?" He chuckled.

"Oh.. ofcourse not" she laughed out nervously, tucking the strand of hair behind her ear.

"Why? You don't believe in rumours" he asked.

His question reminded him something that made her lips curved into a smile, a genuine warm smile which Massimo never saw until now.

"No, Actually... once someone said to me that we shouldn't believe in rumours until we know the whole story behind it" she explained with a subtle warm smile on her face. "...after all, every coin has two sides... right?" She added.

He listened to her, his eyes never leaving her face and he never realized that he was smiling continuously.

"Right" he replied.

He came out of his trance as he realized what he was doing. He gulped, clearing his throat. He looked away from her for a split second.

"I hope you're hungry because the food's expensive" he said playfully, earning a heartily chuckle from her.

But her expression soon turned into a serious one as she remembered her purpose. She wasn't here to have dinner.

"Actually... I need to talk to you-"
"That can wait. How about you have dinner with me first" he cut her off.

She parted her lips to say something but stopped, pushing it too much would be rather impolite. She gave in.

They started eating dinner together. The food was extremely delicious but Bella ate less. The nervousness of telling him about calling off the marriage really made her lose appetite.

After the dinner.
Massimo popper a cork of a wine bottle, pouring the wine in the glasses. He looked at her, offering her wine.

"I.. don't drink" she said awkwardly.

He looked quite surprised as he put down the glass.

"Wow that's unusual. I never met a woman who doesn't drink" he scoffed a laugh.

"Not a one?"
"....most of them, I meant to say" he added.

The both of them shared a laugh and then again the atmosphere became heavy with silence.

"....actually, I need to talk to you about something" she said, hesitantly.

"What is it?" He sipped on his wine, looking at her.

"Look... I had a great time with you and I know that this marriage was set up by our parents" she exhaled a deep breath before continuing. "...I just.. I'm not ready for any of this. Its not because of you. I just don't wanna marry anyone now" She added.

"You're not... what now?" The lines on his forehead deepened.

"I'm not ready for this marriage at all. I really hope you understand" she made an apologetic face. She couldn't look in his eyes as she said this.

The room fell silent, she mustered up her courage to look up only to find his expression less face. It was hard to comprehend what he was thinking.

"Aren't you a little too rushed to take this decision?" He stared at her intently.

"I'm not asking you to marry me tomorrow. We can take our time to get to know each other" he said softly, holding her hand in his.

"Your hands are shivering. Are you afraid of me?" He raised his eyebrows.

"N-No... I'm not" she pulled back her hand swiftly.

She wanted to get this over with and just break off this marriage completely. Getting to know him was never her plan and never will be.

"I...I.. actually I have someone I like!" She blurted out without thinking, making him stunned for a split second.
She, too, was shocked at herself.

"Alright whatever you say" he held his hand up surrendering, playfully. He got up from his seat. "... but still I'd like to know you" he added.

She was about to say something when he walked towards the door, holding the door handle for her.

"Its getting pretty late" he said politely but the hint of coldness in his voice was clearly visible.

She must have hurt his ego or something.

She walked out of there, breathing out a sigh of relief as she sat inside her car.

"Someone I like...?" She mumbled in low voice, remembering what she said back inside, smiling at herself like a silly girl in love.

               -At Aaron's home-

He was inside his room, playing piano in the silence while his melodious voice resounded in the room.

He was engrossed in his own world, feeling every rhythm of the music as his fingers danced over the keys.

"Once apart day after day,
And I slowly go insane....
I hear your voice on the line,
But it doesn't stop the pain...
If I see you next to never,
How can you say forever?"

His mind flashed the pictures of the only person who had his interest intrigued still.

"Wherever you go,
Whatever you do...
I'll always be right here waiting for you"

His fingers stopped suddenly, he picked up the glass of wine and took a sip.

"Enjoyed the show?" He said, getting up and turning around to see his secretary, Robert, standing by the door. Probably too afraid to disturb him in his free time.

"S-Sorry Sir" he stammered in fear.

"Could've said 'yes I did enjoy' but nevermind" he rolled his eyes, before continuing. "....Anyways why're you here?" He asked.

"Sir.. actually Miss Josephine was seen having dinner with some guy" he said.

"And how'd you know that? I don't remember asking you to spy on her, did I?" He placed the glass down, and played a few notes, appearing totally uninterested about this topic.

"I... didn't... I just happen to see her on my way" he said nervously.

"Well, Well, Well...." he said leisurely, closing his eyes, dancing his fingers over the keys.

"She's free to go on dinner with anyone...." he said casually, with a normal tone. Not giving a hint of anger at all as he continued. ".... as am I to KILL ANYONE" he added, with a viscous smirk playing across his face.

That was enough for him to understand what he meant. He will never disturb her life or restrict her from hanging out with anyone. He'll simply wipe out that person who'd threaten his possession even a little.

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