I'm in love with you

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-Bella's POV

We walked along the beach together, holding hand. We talked, laughed and played with water like little kids. Being with him, makes me forget every thing going on in my life, every dark past, every bitterness, every agony of pain I felt over the year, especially the stinging pain of loneliness.

People are around me, ofcourse, but they still couldn't fill in the deep void inside my heart, digging deeper, becoming hollow and on the verge of being incapable of any love. That's when Aaron came. He is bad news, maybe for the world but not for me. Maybe for me too. But the happiness he made me experience in these days overshadowed all the bitterness of my pathetic life which makes me question myself. Do I even deserve this?

"Stop it" he tapped on my head, waking me up from the trance. Realizing that I was still, sitting on his lap with his hands wrapped around me.

"Stop what?" I looked up.
"That thing you're doing... thinking, thinking and thinking" he said, his eyes closed as he held me.

My mouth parted in surprise but not one word could I muster up. I stayed silent, as we sat together on the sand, cool breeze fanning across the beach.

"I never thought that I'd say something like this to anyone...." he said, catching my attention. I shifted my head just enough to look at him. "But... I'm in love with you" he confessed.

His words shocked me to the point that I didn't even know what to say. I kept looking at him as he continued. "I think I always knew this. The second I laid my eyes on you. I knew you were the one" he added.

"I can't believe this" the only words managed to leave my lips as I took a shaky breath, still not able to process his sudden confession.

"You know I'm a bad news for you, yet you chose to be with me. And that's enough for me-"

"I love you too" the words left my mouth before my mind could even register. I wanted to say this for so long. And today, after hearing him, my feelings couldn't be hidden anymore.

"You do?" His eyes shined as he looked at me. "I guess... I knew this, the moment you walked in the cafe" I added.

His eyes brightened as he pulled me in a deep yet beautiful kiss, his knuckles grazing my cheeks gently, like I'm the most intricate work of God made for him. JUST FOR HIM.

We sat there for a while, in silence. Not an awkward one but a peaceful silence. None of us wanting to break this peaceful silence first as we sat together, wrapped around each other.

"About this villa... did I shock you?" He asked, with a hint of guilt. I turned to look at him, clearing my throat, I chose the words carefully to explain my conflicted feelings.

"Yeah.. I appreciate this.. I really do" I said, holding his hand. "But.. there's so much of you that I still don't know and before planning our future. I want to know you.. everything" I raised my eyebrows as I explained my feelings to him.

I don't know if this was a feeling or hallucinations. But I saw a spark of rage in his eyes which he hid in a split second.

"I understand" he sighed, tightening the grip on my hand.

"You want to know me? Go ahead. Ask anything" he said, straightening his spine.

"I didn't say right now... I meant.. I want to know you. You don't have to rush" I laughed out.

"Whatever you say" he chuckled.

"Well you know... you never told me when's your birthday. I'd love to-"
"Today" he cut me off, answering before I could complete my sentence.

His answer again stunned me. Keeping me off guard.

"What?! I- why didn't you tell me before?" I got up from above him.

"You never asked" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh god... Happy birthday" I said as he got up too, dusting off the sand from his clothes.

"Thank you" he smiled.
"God no... its your birthday and I couldn't even- argh!" A groan escaped my lips as regret washed over me. He always did everything to make me feel special and I couldn't even do anything on his special day. Damn me!

"What should I give you? I mean- anything... I want to do something for you" I pouted.

"If you're so eager then... do me a favor" he stuffed his hands inside his pocket, eyebrows cocked.

"What, what is it?"
"My brother has a thrown a party for me and I need a companion..." he said, lips straightening in a thin line. "...would you like to come with me?" He forwarded his hand to me.

"Sure. I'd be honored" I accepting without even thinking what mess I was getting myself into.

"Great" he smiled.

He held my hand, leading me back inside the house, to his bedroom. There was a wrapped box kept on the velvet bed.

Leading me inside, he gestured me to unwrap the box so I did. Opening the box, it revealed a beautiful black corset gown, with lacy straps and intricate floral work on the top. It was gorgeous.

"I can't take this-"
"I want you to wear this. You agreed to come, didn't you? Then wear this for me" he squeezed my shoulder lightly.

I turned back to him only to find him, holding a small velvet box inside his hand. He opened the lid, revealing a shining silver coloured round necklace.

"Aaron this is too expensive. I can't-"
"I don't want to hear any no right now" he cut me off again, holding my shoulder. He led me towards the mirror before putting the necklace around my neck gently.

"There" he sighed, looking at the reflection of both of us. "It looks beautiful on you" he grinned.


His phone rang loudly, kept on the side table. He grabbed the phone, glancing at the caller Id once before turning his gaze back to me.

"I've to take this, love. Excuse me" he pressed the answer button and walked away from there, leaving me there alone.

A deep sigh left my lips as I stared at the dress. His birthday party. Aaron Christopher's. Must be extremely extravagant. I feel nervous. What if I look out of place? I never been to these kind of parties.

And more importantly... his brother. How is he like? Is he nice? Or...

-Author's POV

Later that night..
Aaron sent his driver to escort Bella to the venue as he got stuck in some important work.

Back at his villa. The black corset gown hugged her body perfectly, complementing every curve of her body. She wore a nude makeup, and dark red lipstick, keeping her waist long hair down.

The driver drove her to the venue, stopping right in front of the huge front gate. The area swarmed with reporters and paparazzis.

The door of the car suddenly swung open, the flashes of cameras blinded her for a split second. She spotted a huge figure standing in front of her, holding his hand to her.

As her eyes commmodotated to the flashes, she recognized who it was.

"Come on, love" he said softly.

She breathed out a sigh of relief, his presence relaxed her startled nerves. Taking his hand, she got off the car. Hooking her arm with his, she glanced at him once before they walked inside together as the paparazzis took millions of pictures of them.

Holding the hem of her dress with one hand, and holding Aaron's arm with other. She walked in, lighting up the whole room with her beauty. Her innocent face was seducing enough to catch someone's eye she shouldn't have caught.

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