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-At Azrael's side-

He was thinking that he was gonna win while watching the bloodshed from afar when one of his men knocked came towards him.. all covered in blood.

"What the hell?!" Azrael yelled in anger, "Sir, Alfredo Christopher is here to help his brother!! he killed Mr. Scott too!" One of his men said.

He pulled out a gun kept inside his car cabinet. Azrael worked so hard to break their bond and destroy them easily but now it wasn't gonna be easy.He always knew, they were the strongest when together. That's why he tried every means to separate these two brothers but in the end his plan failed.

He got out of his car and went around the back of the house sneakily while they were busy fighting his men. After walking through bushes and trees, he was trying to find Bella which must be hidding somewhere. He wanted to get his hands on her so he could easily control both the brothers and kill them in the worst way possible. He looked around everywhere when his eyes fell on a car parked in a corner and Aaron was walking towards it. He hid behind a tree as he saw him helping Bella out of it.

As Aaron and Bella walked out of the car, he sneakily came from behind.

"AARON!!!" Bella screamed when he saw Azrael lunging at Aaron with a sharp dagger in his hand. "DIE!"

Before he could realize, a sharp dagger pierced through his back, his blood pooling out like fountain.

"AAAGHHH" A loud painful scream left his throat as the dagger went straight inside his back, giving him an excruciating pain that he fell on his knees. The both of them fell on the ground. Aaron's leg went numb in pain, he couldn't get up anymore with his already injured body.

"Felt that pain?! IT IS LESSER THAN THE PAIN YOU GAVE ME!" Azrael kicked him on his back and he fell on the ground, lying on his front, fighting hard to keep his eyes open, "YOU TOOK MY SON AWAY FROM ME, AARON CHRISTOPHER AND YOU SHALL SUFFER FOR IT!" He kicked him again.

"Aaron!! No, No, No..!! HELP!! AARON!! PLEASE GET UP!!" She tried to crawl towards him but Azrael walked toward her in front of Aaron's eyes. He got a hold of Bella's hair in his fist, yanking them up... she cried in pain as Aaron tried to get up and save her but his body denied to do either.

"NO! DON'T HURT HER!" He screamed with every ounce of energy he had left.

"Feel this HELPLESSNESS!" He strangled Bella with his arm, "Now, you'll suffer the same pain that I suffered! Losing the loved ones in front of your eyes and you could do nothing!"

Aaron banged his hand on the ground, and tried to get up with the support of his hand. He barely managed to get up when Azrael pointed his gun straight at Aaron's chest while his other hand was looped around Bella's neck, ready to strangle her to death if he were to do anything rash. There was no way he could snatch his gun with this distance... One wrong move and he'll end up losing Bella too.

"Leave her... she doesn't have to do anything with this..." He said weakly, In this position, he had literally no way to save her or himself.... He don't have any other than begging for her safety.

"I know she doesn't. I wanted her for my son... but this b*tch fell in love with you! And she's going to die BECAUSE OF CHOOSING THE WRONG MAN."He tightened his grip around her neck, restricting her air passage.... her face turning white with the lack of oxygen. Aaron, in the surge of adrenaline, got up with his already heavily injured body, alarming Azrael.



Two loud gunshots echoed in the whole area and everything went silent... Bella felt Azrael's grip on her neck loosened. She collapsed on the ground as Alfredo stumbled backwards, Azrael still holding the gun in his hand which was pointed right at ALFREDO'S CHEST.
Alfredo gasped loudly, looking down. The bullet went right into his chest as he shielded Aaron from the shot. Aaron's eyes widened, his jaw dropped to the floor seeing Alfredo taking the shot for him.Alfredo stumbled backwards... the excruciating pain making his whole body limp but he still didn't backed down. he held the gun, pointed straight at Azrael.

"ALFREDO!" Aaron shouted, his eyes widened.

"I.. WON'T... LET YOU... HURT.. MY BROTHER..." Alfredo clutched his chest, still not backing down. He threatened him even when being in his weakest state.... Azrael's eyes were bloodshot red as he clutched his bleeding chest with his hand. They both pointed their gun at each other... none of them wanting to back down without killing the other one.

Two loud gunshots echoed and everything went silent. This time... Azrael got shot in his abdomen, the blood pooled out of his abdomen like fountain as he stumbled back... now TOTALLY DEFEATED.

His shaking hands only managed to shoot Alfredo's shoulder this time. Alfredo stumbled back, falling down on his knee.

"No no no no no" Aaron got up with his weak body, limping towards Alfredo  with his heavily injured body as Alfredo collapsed to the ground, finally accomplishing HIS REVENGE. Aaron fell on his knees near him, holding his head on his lap. His hands shaking as he patted his face, trying to wake him up."Get up.. brother... You can't- You can't LEAVE ME ALONE!! WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!?" Aaron cried out miserably, his heart tearing apart as he watched the life out of him withering away. Fighting hard, Alfredo managed to open his eyes weakly.

"As long.. as I'm.. alive... I can't... let anything... happen to you..." Alfredo said, his voice so weak, every word took an ounce of life from him. Aaron's heart clenched terribly like it would kill him on the spot.

"I'm...sorry.. I wasn't.. a good brother..." 

"You're the best brother! Don't talk like that please!" Aaron cried. Alfredo shook his head, "I... I've done... so.. many sins... I guess... this is... my redemption..." he smiled weakly.

"No! I won't let you die! I... GET THE CAR!! GET THE-" He was about to get up to get a car for Alfredo. He wasn't ready to give up on his big brother.

"No..." he held his hand "don't... bother... I.. I want to rest now.. little brother"  Aaron held his hand tightly, crying and begging him like a little child who was afraid of leaving his brother.

Bella went near him, looking at them... Though Alfredo was her criminal but now.. her heart ached terribly looking at him... she fell on her knees near him.Alfredo looked at her, reaching out with his hands... he wiped her tears, caressing Bella's cheek softly, "I'm.. so.. sorry.. love" he apologized weakly to her.

His hand reached down to touch her belly... to touch his baby for the last time but he stopped before he could touch her belly... perhaps hesitant.Bella held his hand and placed it on her belly... the warmth of HIS BABY, he could feel it through her skin...His only wish was to feel his baby for once because he knew had no right over them... He only wanted to touch his baby once. A long drop of tear fell from the side of his eyes... as he smiled warmly the last time before....... CLOSING HIS EYES FOR FOREVER.

"ALF!!!" Aaron's heart clenching scream echoed throughout, even the sky trembled. He placed his head on his brother's chest and started crying miserably.... His brother, His freind, his last family, his everything WAS GONE.

"This can't be... it can't be.. he's my brother..." he cried miserably, "He... broke his promise... He can't... how could he.." he mumbled to himself, crying on his chest while Alfredo's body turned cold.

Bella never saw Aaron like this... He was totally broken. COMPLETELY SHATTERED WITH HIS DEATH. Yes.. he said he hated him but did he? He never hated him. He was angry on him... he wanted him to repent but he never wanted him to die. Aaron spent his whole childhood miserably but he never was broken because atleast he had his brother with him but now.... He left him alone too.

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